The list has 7 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 7.

Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts of Ethiopia and Eritrea

The systematic research into the Ethiopian manuscript culture is the aim of the long-term project “Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung” (“Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts of Ethiopia and Eritrea”). Ethiopia and Eritrea are situated, from the perspective of cultural history, both at the periphery of the so-called Christian Orient and in the…


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Entwicklung eines korpusbasierten elektronischen Wörterbuchs Deutsche Gebärdensprache (DGS) – Deutsch

The project “DGS-Korpus” aimis at the systematic registration and documentation of the German sign language in its lively diversity and the creation of an electronic dictionary based on the corpus data. The dictionary will be an important reference book for everyone who will use the German sign language as a tool for communication and additionally for DGS-learners and linguists. Exceeding the…


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Etymologika. Ordnung und Interpretation des Wissens in griechisch-byzantinischen Lexika bis in die Renaissance. Digitale Erschließung von Manuskriptproduktion, Nutzerkreisen und kulturellem Umfeld

Greek etymological lexica ("Etymologika") are among the most important lexicographic achievements pertaining to the history of ancient and medieval knowledge in Europe. They continued to be produced, used and extended even into the Renaissance and the early modern period. The term used for these lexica is derived from Classical Antiquity’s philosophical and grammatical analysis of language in…


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Formulae - Litterae - Chartae. Neuedition der frühmittelalterlichen Formulae inklusive der Erschließung von frühmittelalterlichen Briefen und Urkunden im Abendland (ca. 500 – ca. 1000)

The aim of the long-term project is the systematic reconstruction and editing of Early Medieval certificates and letters (Formulae) as well as research into formulaic writing in Western Europe before the 11th century. It is rooted at the interface of history, Latin philology and legal history and examines sources which are of great importance for the study of Early Medieval society. The Formulae…


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Grammatiken, Korpora und Sprachtechnologie für indigene nordeurasische Sprachen (INEL)

The aim of the research project “Grammatiken, Korpora und Sprachtechnologie für indigene nordeurasische Sprachen (INEL)” (Grammatical Descriptions, Corpora and Language Technology for Indigenous Northern Eurasian Languages) is the documentation of endangered languages. The north Eurasian area is of great interest for linguists from all over the world. The diversity of the indigenous languages…


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Moritz Schlick - Gesamtausgabe. Nachlass und Korrespondenz

Moritz Schlick is one of the most influential figures in 20th century philosophy. As a representative of scientific philosophy and founder of the "Vienna Circle" of logical empiricism, he gave decisive impetus to modern philosophy of language and theory of science.

The Academy's long-term goal is to make Moritz Schlick's scientific legacy and correspondence accessible in a scientifically sound…


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Tamilex. Establishment of an electronic corpus of classical Tamil literature and the corresponding historical lexicon informed by emic exegetical and lexicographical sources

The early poetic anthologies of classical Tamil form part of the great literary heritage of mankind, even if they are still little known in the West. Just the first millennium comprises a tradition of erotic and heroic poetry, but also didactic, epic and devotional collections, along with a sophisticated systems of grammatical, poetical and lexicographical knowledge, which on the one hand was used…


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