The list has 48 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 20.

Altägyptisches Wörterbuch

The aim of the Academic Project "Altägyptisches Wörterbuch" is to create a lexical database containing a corpus of Egyptian texts from the Pharaonic period. This lexical database will provide a new research tool for Egyptology, enabling Egyptian texts to be made available in electronic form and allowing navigation and combined searches in the database, and will provide an overview of a constantly…


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Altfranzösisches etymologisches Wörterbuch

The “Dictionnaire étymologique de l’ancien français” (DEAF) is a fundamental dictionary of Old French, encompassing the timespan between 842 (date of the Strasbourg Oath between Louis the German and Charles the Bald against Lothair I transmitted in the Old High German and Old French languages) until the mid-14th century (the epochal boundary with Middle French on philological and social grounds).


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Altgaskognisches Wörterbuch

This project focuses upon the publication of dictionaries on the medieval language of Southern France. In addition to the “Dictionnaire onomasiologique de l’ancien gascon” (DAG), a thematically ordered dictionary of the Gascon linguistic sphere, equally conceived “Dictionnaire onomasiologique de l’ancien occitan” (DAO) encompassing the entire Old Occitan linguistic sphere, supplemented by means of…


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Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch. Handwörterbuch und Glossenindex

The task is the complete indexing and scientific processing of the Old High German vocabulary of all over-deliveries, with documentation of all variants and document locations, as basis for further philological research of vocabulary in literary history, linguistic and cultural history.

The document archive contains a quarter of a million glossy documents from 1250 manuscripts, one of which a…


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Altokzitanisches Wörterbuch. Dictionnaire de l’occitan médiéval

In the Middle Ages, Old Occitan (formerly “Old Provençal”) was a literary and cultural language, the influence of which extended far beyond the frontiers of Southern France. It was also the language of the troubadours, whose songs had a decisive impact on the love poetry of the European literatures during the Middle Ages.

The only comprehensive portrayal of the Old Occitan vocabulary to have…


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The “Augustinus-Lexikon” (AL) is a multivolume dictionary of terms and encyclopaedia of Augustine, his life and thinking, his works, people from his personal environment and his contemporary historical context (places, things and circumstances of social, political, cultural, and cultic importance), that comprises about 1200 lemmas.

The terms characteristic of Augustine’s thinking are presented…


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Bayerisches Wörterbuch

The Bavarian Dictionary covers the vocabulary of Bavarian dialects from the early Middle Ages to the present. While the linguistic forms of the past are testified from literary sources, the Bavarian dialects of the present are mainly collected through written interviews with dialect speakers. The articles are structured according to their meanings. In addition to information on grammar, age,…


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Deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters. Verfasserlexikon

The Verfasserlexikon represents a fundamental and encompassing work of reference on German literature of the Middle Ages as well as a selection of German, Latin writing authors of the period. It contains more than 5000 articles by numerous scholars from Germany and abroad, arranged alphabetically by author and anonymous work title.

All German-language authors and works from the beginning of…


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Deutsche Wortfeldetymologie. Der Mensch in Natur und Kultur

While other European cultural nations have comprehensive etymological dictionaries, German, one of the world’s most common languages in quantitative terms, lacks a large scientific etymological dictionary. For this reason, the “German etymology of semantic fields in a European Context (DWEE)” wants to close this gap on the one hand: This applies particularly to words that have only appeared since…


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Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch

The comprehensive Dictionary of historical German (and West Germanic) Legal Language explains and illustrates legally relevant vocabulary from the beginning of German written tradition (around AD 400) to 1815. Its basis is formed by an archive of roughly 2.5 million word quotations.

A volume of the Dictionary comprises 5 double fascicles of 320 columns each. The fascicles appear on a yearly…


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Deutsches Wörterbuch von Jacob Grimm und Wilhelm Grimm. Neubearbeitung

The German Dictionary is a historical dictionary of the meaning of the New High German language. It contains the common German vocabulary from the middle of the 15th century to the present in alphabetical order. It was planned and started by the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, who are regarded as the founders of German studies. According to their imagination and model, the dictionary presents…


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Digitales Familiennamenwörterbuch Deutschlands

At the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz and in cooperation with the Technical University of Darmstadt, a digital dictionary of surnames is being developed. For the first time, this dictionary records all currently existing family names Germany (also foreign names) lexicographically, maps them and etymologizes them with the help of maps.

Previous dictionaries of surnames record only a…


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Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Das Wortauskunftssystem zur deutschen Sprache in Geschichte und Gegenwart

The DWDS dictionary is based on the six-volume “Wörterbuch der deutschen Gegenwartssprache” and on other sources, such as on parts of the “Großes Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache” published by the Dudenverlag. It provides the user with state-of-the-art spelling, pronunciation in form of audio files and a wide range of information on the form, usage and meaning of approximately 210,000 keywords.…


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Entwicklung eines korpusbasierten elektronischen Wörterbuchs Deutsche Gebärdensprache (DGS) – Deutsch

The project “DGS-Korpus” aimis at the systematic registration and documentation of the German sign language in its lively diversity and the creation of an electronic dictionary based on the corpus data. The dictionary will be an important reference book for everyone who will use the German sign language as a tool for communication and additionally for DGS-learners and linguists. Exceeding the…


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Enzyklopädie des Märchens

The Encyclopedia of Fairy Tales (EM) is a handbook on historical and comparative narrative research. It comprehensively presents the results of one and a half centuries of international research work in the field of folk narrative traditions in the past and present. The work focuses on the oral and literary narrative forms of Europe and the cultures influenced by Europe, but also endeavours to…


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Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Althochdeutschen

The “Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Althochdeutschen (EWA)” covers the entire vocabulary of Old High German from about 750 to 1150 CE. The vocabulary of Old High German is the richest among the Early Germanic languages, because it reflects almost all areas of social life. The EWA fills a serious gap in the corpus of academic resources for German and Indo-European Linguistics by developing a…


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Fränkisches Wörterbuch

The aim of the project is the complete documentation of dialect vocabulary in the form of a database published on the Internet. The data material used for this purpose is primarily based on written surveys which took place from 1927 to 2001. In the editorial team, the semantic, grammatical, and etymological determination takes place. The original questionnaire material has been lexicographically…


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Frühneuhochdeutsches Wörterbuch

In 13 volumes, the Early New High German dictionary provides a lexicographic description of the Early New High German, i.e. the High German vocabulary from the middle of the 14th to the middle of the 17th century. This is a historical dictionary of language stages, which was conceived in the 1980s by Oskar Reichmann and has already been published in half.

Since the 1st January 2013, it has been…


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The „Goethe-Wörterbuch“ is a dictionary that analyses the use of words in the texts of a single author, presenting Goethe’s entire vocabulary in alphabetical order. On the basis of approximately three million archive slips on about 90.000 headwords, it displays their multiple usage in systematically structured entries, with selected quotations to verify and illustrate the differentiated meanings.…


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