The list has 44 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 20.

Altägyptische Kursivschriften. Digitale Paläographie und systematische Analyse des Hieratischen und der Kursivhieroglyphen

The subject of the interdisciplinary project, which combines egyptological research with methods from computer philology, consists of the ancient Egyptian scripts called Hieratic and cursive hieroglyphic script, both having been used alongside monumental hieroglyphic script for over 3000 years. The inventory of signs taken from selected texts is systematically and digitally recorded with different…


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Archäologische Erforschung der römischen Alpen- und Donauländer

From 2012 to 2025, the project explores the beginning and end of the Roman era in the central Alpine region. Through excavation projects in Pfaffenhofen (North Tyrol) and San Martino/San Silvestro (Trentino), the project opens up new archaeological source material from two important transitional periods. In Pfaffenhofen-Hörtenberg, the largest Iron Age settlement in North Tyrol is being…


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Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts of Ethiopia and Eritrea

The systematic research into the Ethiopian manuscript culture is the aim of the long-term project “Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung” (“Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts of Ethiopia and Eritrea”). Ethiopia and Eritrea are situated, from the perspective of cultural history, both at the periphery of the so-called Christian Orient and in the…


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Bibliotheca Arabica. Towards a New History of Arabic Literature

With its scope and diverse subject matter, Arabic literature is one of the richest in the world. Beginning in the 7th century CE, it blossomed within a civilization characterized by a vast network of cultural traditions and ties that were shaped by Islam. Like the Akkadian and Chinese literatures, Arabic literature is an ancient and erudite archive of knowledge. Until well into the 19th century,…


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Buddhistische Steinschriften in China

The second half of the 6th century AD marks a significant epoch in the history of Chinese Buddhism. In the years 577/578, the faithful suffered persecution under the secular state of Zhou. Concurrently, monks made great strides in translating the writings of the Buddha, resulting in a completely transformed appreciation of his teachings. Originally hailing from India, this religion was now adapted…


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Corpus Coranicum. Edition und Kommentar des Korans

The aim of the project described below is to develop two fundamental desiderata of Koranic research: an edition of the Koranic text that meets critical standards and a comprehensive commentary on the Koran that consistently interprets it in the context of its historical context of origin. In contrast to the Kairen Koran edition of 1923, which is currently widespread, the project presented here is…


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Corpus der barocken Deckenmalerei in Deutschland. Erfassung, Analyse und digitale Publikation der architekturgebundenen Malerei auf dem Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (ca. 1550–1800)

Ceiling and mural paintings are constitutive elements in the design of baroque interiors. Unlike all other forms of pictorial art, these truly three-dimensional artistic media define early modern architecture literally from above, through colourful and complex iconographic programmes: in ecclesiastical as well as secular environments, in residential palaces and ceremonial halls, churches and…


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Corpus der Minoischen und Mykenischen Siegel

For the study of the Minoan-Mycenaean culture, the gems and imprints on ancient clay seals with their often figurative representations are a primary source. As they are kept scattered in numerous museums and collections in Europe and America, Friedrich Matz founded the Corpus of Minoan and Mycenaean Seals in 1958. Today, the archives of the Marburg office contain about 100,000 negatives, 10,000…


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Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum

The Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum contains the Latin inscriptions from the entire space of the former Roman Empire in a geographical and systematic order; since its foundation by Theodor Mommsen, it has been the authoritative documentation of the epigraphic heritage of Roman antiquity. Today, the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum has about 180,000 inscriptions and supplementary volumes with plates…


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Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Bestände antiker Vasen in deutschen Museen

As part of the Union Académique Internationale’s research project launched in 1921, the Interacademic Commission for the Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum (CVA) publishes the holdings of Greek, Etruscan, and Italian antique clay vessels in German museums. The time frame covers the period from the Minoan-Mycenaean to the Hellenistic period, i. e. from about 1500 BCE to the beginning of Common Era. However,…


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Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi

The “Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi Deutschland” (CVMA) is part of the international “Corpus Vitrearum”, which was founded in 1952 to document and scientifically develop the entire inventory of medieval stained glass in Europe as well as in museums in the USA and Canada. The project's tasks are to set up an inventory and to document the medieval as well as the post-medieval glass paintings and their…


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Das Sächsisch-Magdeburgische Recht als kulturelles Bindeglied zwischen den Rechtsordnungen Ost- und Mitteleuropas

In addition to Roman and canonical law, the Sachsenspiegel (reported in the Eastern Harz foreland between 1220 and 1235) and the famous town charter of Magdeburg (developed in the town of Magdeburg and decisively shaped by the spellings of the local court chair between the 13th and 15th centuries) form the common foundations of Central and Eastern European legal systems. Simultaneously with the…


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Der Tempel als Kanon der religiösen Literatur Ägyptens

Headed by Prof. Dr. Christian Leitz, Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies (IANES), Department of Egyptology, this research project’s aim is the analysis of the contents of the so-called temple texts which form ancient Egypt’s largest and (regardless of chronological and geographical differences) cohesive textual corpus. Most striking about this corpus besides its extent and frequently…


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Dialektatlas Mittleres Westdeutschland

In light of the rapid decline of the dialectal linguistic competence especially in the north of the German language area it is the goal of the DMW, by means of a first systematic survey of current data, to document and analyse the still tangible stocks of the dialects or the manner of speaking with the maximal variation from standard of two generations of speakers in the Midwest of Germany.…


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Edition literarischer Keilschrifttexte aus Assur

For some 3,500 years (34th century BC to 1st century AD), cuneiform served to document, preserve and disseminate intellectual content. The capacity for great cultural and political achievement found among the empires of the Near East was closely bound to the development and use of this medium.

Characteristic to the cultures of the ancient Near East is thus not in the least the extraordinary…


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Epigraphische Datenbank römischer Inschriften

The project “Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg” (i.e. “Epigraphic Database Heidelberg”, or EDH for short) was established in 1986 with a duration of five years under the auspices of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Program, and further funded from 1991 onwards by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. Since 1993, it has been a research project at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences with a duration until 2020.…


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Erschließung der Akten des kaiserlichen Reichshofrats

Over a period of three centuries - from the first half of the 16th century until 1806 - the imperial Aulic Council was one of the most important institutions of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. As high court, supreme feudal house, administration institution of the imperial privileges and as political advisory body of the emperor the institution shaped the destiny of Central Europe in…


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Forschungskontinuität und Kontinuitätsforschung. Siedlungsarchäologische Grundlagenforschung zur Eisenzeit im Baltikum

The reciprocal word pair “Forschungskontinuität und Kontinuitätsforschung” (continuity of research and research of continuity) in the project-title outlines the significant difficulties and opportunities of the traditional, but not unproblematic history of the archaeological sciences in landscapes, that are very rich in findings and important for the development of northern and eastern Europe.…


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Frühneuzeitliche Ärztebriefe des deutschsprachigen Raums (1500-1700)

This project undertakes a systematic survey of the tens of thousands of letters written by and addressed to learned physicians in the German-speaking area between 1500 and 1700, which have come down to us in numerous libraries and archives in Germany and abroad. These letters, many of which have gone unnoticed so far in historical scholarship, are valuable sources for the study of a wide range of…


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