The list has 8 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 8.

Gottfried Semper: Der Stil. Kritische und kommentierte Ausgabe

Gottfried Semper’s two volume «Style in the Technical and Tectonic Arts, or Practical Aesthetics» (1860/63) is presented for the first time in a critical digital edition. All its different stages are made available as digital facsimiles and transcriptions: manuscripts, fair copies, proofs, prints and their variants, drawings for illustrations, woodcut proofs.

The critical digital edition will…


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histHub. Vernetzte und normierte Daten für die historischen Wissenschaften

 The aim of histHub is to establish and operate a research platform for the historical sciences. The platform manages authority files on Swiss history on the one hand and, on the other, it develops digital tools for the networking of databases. With these two priorities, histHub pursues the overriding aim of improving the interoperability of research data in the field of historical sciences.


Read more Professional Portal for the Historical Sciences in Switzerland was born from an initiative of the Swiss Historical Society (SSH) and of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (ASSH).
Its objectives are to develop a digital infrastructure for the historical sciences in Switzerland, to coordinate the principal players and institutions, to increase the visibility of Swiss historical research in the digital context, and to facilitate…


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Johann Caspar Lavater: Historisch-kritische Edition ausgewählter Briefwechsel

Das Forschungsprojekt Johann Caspar Lavater – Historisch-kritische Edition ausgewählter Briefwechsel (JCLB) digitalisiert und erfasst den Bestand der weit über 20'000 Briefe von und an Lavater, um in einer Web-basierten Online-Edition davon ausgewählte Briefwechsel zu edieren und Lavaters gesamte Korrespondenz erstmals synoptisch in ihrer ganzen Komplexität und ihrem Umfang für die Forschung zu…


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Online-Edition der Rezensionen und Briefe Albrecht von Hallers. Expertise und Kommunikation in der entstehenden Scientific community

During the project period of six years, it is planned on the one hand to publish the complete edition of Albrecht von Haller's reviews (including more than 9'000 in the leading German-language review organ Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen) as a central, but still largely unknown part of his oeuvre. On the other hand, a well-founded selection of approximately 8,000 letters related to the content of…


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Sammlung Schweizerischer Rechtsquellen. herausgeherausgegeben von der Rechtsquellenstiftung des Schweizerischen Juristenvereins

Since 1898 the Law Sources Foundation of the Swiss Lawyers Society edits a collection of law sources which had been created on Swiss territory up to 1798, the Collection of Swiss Law Sources. The Collection contains materials from the early Middle Ages until early modern times (1798). Over 130 volumes, or more than 80'000 pages of source material and comments from all language regions of…


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Schweizer Textkorpus

The Swiss Text Corpus project is part of an international research project which aims to provide a balanced collection of the standard German language of the 20th century and to make it accessible online by digitising German-language texts of all kinds (newspaper articles, advertising, forms, instructions, guides, popular scientific literature, youth and trivial literature, fiction, etc.). The…


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Verzeichnis der Theateraktivität des Hôtel de Musi..

The database documents the Hôtel de Musique's lively theatrical activity from 1766 to 1905, with a repertoire that includes theatre, opera, ballet, concerts and extraordinary events. The inventory provides a lively and colourful picture of Bernese theatre culture in the 19th century.

The project was developed in 2008 as part of a lecture on Bernese theatre history in the Seminar of Swiss Opera…


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