The list has 27 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 20.

Altägyptische Kursivschriften. Digitale Paläographie und systematische Analyse des Hieratischen und der Kursivhieroglyphen

The subject of the interdisciplinary project, which combines egyptological research with methods from computer philology, consists of the ancient Egyptian scripts called Hieratic and cursive hieroglyphic script, both having been used alongside monumental hieroglyphic script for over 3000 years. The inventory of signs taken from selected texts is systematically and digitally recorded with different…


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Altfranzösisches etymologisches Wörterbuch

The “Dictionnaire étymologique de l’ancien français” (DEAF) is a fundamental dictionary of Old French, encompassing the timespan between 842 (date of the Strasbourg Oath between Louis the German and Charles the Bald against Lothair I transmitted in the Old High German and Old French languages) until the mid-14th century (the epochal boundary with Middle French on philological and social grounds).


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Arnold Schönberg-Gesamtausgabe

The complete edition of Arnold Schönberg’s musical works has the task, to make the compositional œuvre of this composer accessible to the general public. Therefore, not only the final version of the works is published within the framework of this edition but also the early version and revisions of the composer; not only the completed composition but also the fragments; not only the final texts of…


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Beethovens Werkstatt. Genetische Textkritik und Digitale Musikedition

By linking two new, reciprocally interrelated research approaches – Genetic Text Criticism and the Digital Edition – the highly complex dynamics of compositional processes in Beethoven’s oeuvre, for the investigation of which source tradition and indexing provide ideal conditions, are to be explored, documented, and reproduced in exemplary digital editions in a new way.

The aim of the project is…


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Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts of Ethiopia and Eritrea

The systematic research into the Ethiopian manuscript culture is the aim of the long-term project “Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung” (“Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts of Ethiopia and Eritrea”). Ethiopia and Eritrea are situated, from the perspective of cultural history, both at the periphery of the so-called Christian Orient and in the…


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Buddhistische Steinschriften in China

The second half of the 6th century AD marks a significant epoch in the history of Chinese Buddhism. In the years 577/578, the faithful suffered persecution under the secular state of Zhou. Concurrently, monks made great strides in translating the writings of the Buddha, resulting in a completely transformed appreciation of his teachings. Originally hailing from India, this religion was now adapted…


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Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesamtausgabe. Sämtliche Werke, Tagebücher, Briefe und Schriften

The new Weber Complete Edition is based on the current status of musicological editing processes, with a clear focus on the historical aspect in addition to the critical aspect. It presents all of Weber’s musical works, including the piano excerpts from his own and foreign works as well as his arrangements of his own and foreign works, taking into account all available sources. Fragmentary…


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Corpus der barocken Deckenmalerei in Deutschland. Erfassung, Analyse und digitale Publikation der architekturgebundenen Malerei auf dem Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (ca. 1550–1800)

Ceiling and mural paintings are constitutive elements in the design of baroque interiors. Unlike all other forms of pictorial art, these truly three-dimensional artistic media define early modern architecture literally from above, through colourful and complex iconographic programmes: in ecclesiastical as well as secular environments, in residential palaces and ceremonial halls, churches and…


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Der Tempel als Kanon der religiösen Literatur Ägyptens

Headed by Prof. Dr. Christian Leitz, Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies (IANES), Department of Egyptology, this research project’s aim is the analysis of the contents of the so-called temple texts which form ancient Egypt’s largest and (regardless of chronological and geographical differences) cohesive textual corpus. Most striking about this corpus besides its extent and frequently…


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Die frühbuddhistischen Handschriften aus Gandhāra. Religiöse Literatur an der Schnittstelle von Indien, Zentralasien und China

The research project “Die frühbuddhistischen Handschriften aus Gandhāra: religiöse Literatur an der Schnittstelle von Indien, Zentralasien und China” was established in 2012. On the basis of philological and historical methods, it provides new insight into the early history of Buddhism on its way to becoming a world religion. The project studies manuscripts found in the 1990s in northern Pakistan…


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Die Schule von Salamanca. Eine digitale Quellensammlung und ein Wörterbuch ihrer juristisch-politischen Sprache

The School of Salamanca or “Spanish late scholasticism” of the 16th and early 17th centuries is one of the most influential epochs of early modern European thought because of its importance for jurisprudence and political philosophy. The project has two objectives: Firstly, to digitally record and present the central texts of the “School of Salamanca” in an overall corpus that follows uniform…


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Digitale Gesamtedition und Übersetzung des koptisch-sahidischen Alten Testamentes

The Coptic-Sahidic Bible is one of the most important literary witnesses of Christianity in the eastern Mediterranean. The Coptic Old Testament, which essentially dates back to the 4th century, is one of the earliest and most extensive versions of the Greek Septuagint (LXX). The translation of the Bible into Coptic was source and inspiration for the entire Coptic-Christian literature of Egypt. In…


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Edition der fränkischen Herrschererlasse

The decrees of the Frankish rulers are known as capitularies because of their subdivision into chapters (lat. capitula). They are amongst the most important sources for the history of the Frankish kingdoms. They are instructions similar to laws, ordinances or provisions, regulating political, military, ecclesiastical, social, economic and cultural matters.

In almost all parts of the Franconian…


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Edition literarischer Keilschrifttexte aus Assur

For some 3,500 years (34th century BC to 1st century AD), cuneiform served to document, preserve and disseminate intellectual content. The capacity for great cultural and political achievement found among the empires of the Near East was closely bound to the development and use of this medium.

Characteristic to the cultures of the ancient Near East is thus not in the least the extraordinary…


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Entwicklung eines korpusbasierten elektronischen Wörterbuchs Deutsche Gebärdensprache (DGS) – Deutsch

The project “DGS-Korpus” aimis at the systematic registration and documentation of the German sign language in its lively diversity and the creation of an electronic dictionary based on the corpus data. The dictionary will be an important reference book for everyone who will use the German sign language as a tool for communication and additionally for DGS-learners and linguists. Exceeding the…


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Epigraphische Datenbank römischer Inschriften

The project “Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg” (i.e. “Epigraphic Database Heidelberg”, or EDH for short) was established in 1986 with a duration of five years under the auspices of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Program, and further funded from 1991 onwards by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. Since 1993, it has been a research project at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences with a duration until 2020.…


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Friedrich Schleiermacher in Berlin 1808–1834. Briefwechsel, Tageskalender, Vorlesungen

Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (1768-1834) is one of the most important figures of spiritual life in Germany in the classical epoch around 1800, and his work continues to have a multidisciplinary and international impact up to the present day.

After the defeat of Prussia in 1806 and the dissolution of the University of Halle, where he had been professor of theology and philosophy and…


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Grammatiken, Korpora und Sprachtechnologie für indigene nordeurasische Sprachen (INEL)

The aim of the research project “Grammatiken, Korpora und Sprachtechnologie für indigene nordeurasische Sprachen (INEL)” (Grammatical Descriptions, Corpora and Language Technology for Indigenous Northern Eurasian Languages) is the documentation of endangered languages. The north Eurasian area is of great interest for linguists from all over the world. The diversity of the indigenous languages…


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Historisch-philologischer Kommentar zur Chronik des Johannes Malalas

The work attributed to John Malalas was compiled in the 6th AD as a universal chronicle – an outline of the history of the world from Adam up to the author’s own time. Little is known about the author himself, of whom we have no trace outside his work. If it is at all possible to infer any biographical details from the chronicle, he must have lived in Antioch (present-day Antakya, Turkey) under…


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Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie

By means of the present project, an important contribution to Greek philology is realised, and a large step towards filling a current lacuna in the understanding of literature from Classical Antiquity (and thereby the history of education) undertaken.

Large swathes of Greek literature, in particular that of the Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic periods, are not attested in fully preserved…


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