Within the framework of the project, the works of Averroes (1126 - 1198) translated into Latin are to be critically edited. Averroes is Ibn Ruschd, an Arabic-speaking Hispanic Muslim who studied and edited the scientific literature of his time available to him. In particular, his commentaries on Aristotle were translated from Arabic into Latin (later also into Hebrew) from the first half of the…
The project “Corpus der Quellen zur mittelalterlichen Geschichte der Juden im Reichsgebiet” is aimed to register all relevant temporal and spatially fixed sources of the history of the Jews in the region of the Roman-German empire for the period from 1273 to 1519 chronologically and to make it available online – depending on the edition – in the form of full texts or regesta. It therefore strives…
Historical-critical edition of the philosophical, theological, mathematical church political writings as well as the sermons of Nicholas of Cusa (1401 – 1464). Besides the Opera omnia, the sources for the life story (Acta Cusana) and the series "Cusanus-Texte" and "Cusanus-Studien" were published.
In the course of the project the works of the so called “Austrian Bible translator”, who created a comprehensive bible-translation and commenting about 200 years before Luther, are edited and made accessible. Since the 14th century, the “century of the layman-bible”, large parts of the Latin Vulgate and the accompanying exegetic and catechetic explanations have been increasingly translated into…
The Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig took over the project initiated by the Saxon Commission for History in 1896 with the establishment of a office site in 1992. The "Atlas zur Geschichte und Landeskunde von Sachsen" is being produced in cooperation between the Academy, the Saxony State Surveying Office and the Dresden University of Applied Sciences (FH).
The task of the project is to compile the German and foreign-language new publications on all subject areas of German history on the basis of the autopsy principle as completely as possible and to make them accessible in form and content. The reporting period covers the period from the birth of Christ to the present day. It covers the entire range of scientific publications such as monographs,…
The writings of Martin Luther, collected in 70 volumes in the "Weimarer Ausgabe", represent the most important work of a German author before Goethe in terms of volume and weight. Their national and international impact reaches far beyond the history of church and theology into the general cultural and intellectual history. No writer before or after Luther has had a comparable influence on the…
The Edition of Martin Bucer's German Writings is the German branch of the international project of a first historical-critical complete edition of Martin Bucer's works, the other two parts (Latin works and correspondence) of which are being developed at the University of Strasbourg and the University of Erlangen.
The Strasbourg reformer Martin Bucer (Butzer) has considerable significance for the…
The Sachsenspiegel, written around 1225 by Eike von Repchow, is the most important and perhaps also the oldest comprehensive German legal book. This private record of the law in force at the beginning of the 13th century was widely distributed in a relatively short period of time, to which its scientific treatment in the form of explanatory notes (glosses) based on the Italian model soon…
The Old High German Dictionary (Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch) fully describes the vocabulary of the earliest stage of the German language, supported by illustrative citations from corpus material. Designed to be edited in ten volumes, it provides a comprehensive analysis of the entire lexical material preserved in texts, glosses, and glossaries, covering a period of eight centuries from the…
The aim of REGESTA IMPERII is to record all documented and historiographically documented activities of the Roman-German kings and emperors from the Carolingians up to Maximilian I. (approx. 751-1519) as well as of selected popes in the form of German “Regesten” (abstracts).
The starting point of the undertaking is strongly connected with the name of the Frankfurt municipal librarian Friedrich…
In the 16th century, especially in Germany, we come across the phenomenon of religious colloquy as a means of religous denominational and political debate. Until 1539 (Leipzig), this initially had the character of a scholarly and council disputation. Following the Augsburg Imperial Diet (1530), since 1540 we encounter imperial religious colloquy in Hagenau, Worms and Regensburg in 1540/41, in…
The aim of the project is the investigation of the residence and court in the late medieval German Empire (1200-1600) in European comparison. The federal structure of Germany, the competition between its numerous cities is investigated at its roots: the origin of the sovereign residences in the late Middle Ages. This is closely linked to the growth of courts, the most important centres of power in…
The negative judgments about the German royal and court court court, which can be found everywhere in the literature, are based on the fact that one could not get an idea of the activity of this court, because there is no central court court court tradition, which could have offered the sources for a well-founded judgement. The project has set itself the goal of collecting and presenting the…
The numerous philosophical, theological and homiletic writings of the Saxon pastor Valentin Weigel (1533-1588) circulated initially in handwriting and were - to some extent - only printed at the beginning and end of the 17th century. On the basis of Lutheran-reformational piety, they combine, among other things, neoplatonic and medieval mystical influences with ideas of Renaissance humanism,…