The list has 28 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 20.

Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch. Handwörterbuch und Glossenindex

The task is the complete indexing and scientific processing of the Old High German vocabulary of all over-deliveries, with documentation of all variants and document locations, as basis for further philological research of vocabulary in literary history, linguistic and cultural history.

The document archive contains a quarter of a million glossy documents from 1250 manuscripts, one of which a…


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Averroes Latinus-Edition

Within the framework of the project, the works of Averroes (1126 - 1198) translated into Latin are to be critically edited. Averroes is Ibn Ruschd, an Arabic-speaking Hispanic Muslim who studied and edited the scientific literature of his time available to him. In particular, his commentaries on Aristotle were translated from Arabic into Latin (later also into Hebrew) from the first half of the…


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Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts of Ethiopia and Eritrea

The systematic research into the Ethiopian manuscript culture is the aim of the long-term project “Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung” (“Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts of Ethiopia and Eritrea”). Ethiopia and Eritrea are situated, from the perspective of cultural history, both at the periphery of the so-called Christian Orient and in the…


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Briefe und Akten zur Kirchenpolitik Friedrichs des Weisen und Johanns des Beständigen 1513 bis 1532. Reformation im Kontext frühneuzeitlicher Staatswerdung

The brothers, Frederick and John of Saxony, were key figures in the early history of the Reformation. Frederick the Wise holds an established place in historiography as the founder of the University of Wittenberg and as Luther’s protector. His younger brother John the Constant is virtually unknown in comparison, although he was decisively influential in promoting the Evangelical cause at the…


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Con­tro­ver­sia et Con­fes­sio. Quellenedition zu Bekenntnisbildung und Konfessionalisierung (1548–1580)

For the first time, the research and edition project “Controversia et Confessio” systematically reappraises the theological controversies triggered by the Augsburg Interim and the Leipzig Alternative Draft of 1548, which could only be largely resolved by the large-scale theological unification of the Conoria Formula and the Konkordienbuch 1577/80. In these disputes, an early modern “culture of…


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Deutsche Inschriften des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit

Medieval and early modern inscriptions crafted before 1650, in Latin and German language, situated in German-speaking areas are at the heart of this project. Inscriptions are significant and unique historical sources because they are often preserved in an authentic state and in their original setting. For the premodern era, script which was affixed to stone, wood, metal, glass as well as textiles…


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Deutsche Reichstagsakten, Jüngere Reihe (1532-1555)

The aim of this research project is to work on the Reichstage from 1532 - 1555, i.e. to index and record, edit and publish the relevant, widely scattered archive material, in order to make a source of central importance for the German and European history of the epoch of Emperor Charles V and the Reformation usable. In addition to its value for the study of general and political history, the…


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Die Formierung Europas durch Überwindung der Spaltung im 12. Jahrhundert

The aim of the project is a systematic analysis of the course and mechanisms of the so-called Alexandrian Schism (1159-1177), which is to be evaluated as a model and comparative case for overarching questions about scenarios of division and escalation with a large spatial extent, with a multi-causal background and with confrontational camp formations at the most diverse levels, as well as for…


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Edition der Briefe Philipp Jakob Speners (1635–1705) vor allem aus der Berliner Zeit (1691–1705)

The letters of Philipp Jakob Spener (1635-1705), the founder of Lutheran Pietism, are not only first-rate sources for research on the beginnings of Pietism, the most important renewal movement of Protestantism since the Reformation, but also for the church and cultural history of the early modern period. Some of them are handwritten records and can be found in archives and libraries far beyond…


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Frühneuzeitliche Ärztebriefe des deutschsprachigen Raums (1500-1700)

This project undertakes a systematic survey of the tens of thousands of letters written by and addressed to learned physicians in the German-speaking area between 1500 and 1700, which have come down to us in numerous libraries and archives in Germany and abroad. These letters, many of which have gone unnoticed so far in historical scholarship, are valuable sources for the study of a wide range of…


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Germania Sacra. Die Kirche des Alten Reiches und ihre Institutionen

The task of the project “Germania Sacra” is to gain access and to publish the diverse and comprehensive written sources, which give evidence of the history of the Church of the Holy Roman Empire and its institutions. For this purpose, the source material of archives and libraries is published in the form of reference books. The reference books provide an extensive description of the dioceses,…


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Grundriss zur Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung aus den Quellen

The "ground plan" of the history of German poetry from its sources is the basic work of German literary historical research that was simultaneously developed and grown with the subject. The aim is to explore and process all the essential historical facts and data on the development of German literature from its beginning to the end of the 19th century. The chronological presentation of the…


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Historische Fremdsprachenlehrwerke digital. Language history, language attitudes and everyday communication in the context of multilingualism in Early Modern Europe

Historische Fremdsprachenlehrwerke digital” captures and examines historical foreign language textbooks from the Early Modern period (15th to 17th century)

Historical foreign language manuals (Historische Fremdsprachenlehrwerke, FSL) are multilingual, practice-oriented texts for the acquisition of one or more foreign languages that have gained an ever-wider distribution since the 1500s. These…


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Historischer Atlas von Sachsen

The Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig took over the project initiated by the Saxon Commission for History in 1896 with the establishment of a office site in 1992. The "Atlas zur Geschichte und Landeskunde von Sachsen" is being produced in cooperation between the Academy, the Saxony State Surveying Office and the Dresden University of Applied Sciences (FH).

The atlas will be designed in terms…


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Jahresberichte für deutsche Geschichte

The task of the project is to compile the German and foreign-language new publications on all subject areas of German history on the basis of the autopsy principle as completely as possible and to make them accessible in form and content. The reporting period covers the period from the birth of Christ to the present day. It covers the entire range of scientific publications such as monographs,…


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L'Europe des Humanistes - Europa Humanistica

Documentary handbook on the tradition of ancient and medieval literature in the early modern period. A bibliographical and at the same time documentary repertory is being compiled, which covers the entire field of the literary reception history of antiquity and the Middle Ages for the period between 1500 and 1630, including later reprints (up to the 19th century). In accordance with the…


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Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716) is said to be the last polymath. This is reflected by his diverse and mostly unpublished work. Until today, there is no complete edition which forced researchers to rely on deficient partial editions from the 19th century. The project aims at a complete edition of G. W. Leibniz’ writings and of his letters. The handwritten literary remains are to a large…


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Leichenpredigten der Frühen Neuzeit - Thüringen

Printed eulogies or funeral sermons dating back to the two centuries between 1550 and 1750, gained huge significance regarding the exploration of Early Modern history next to its initial form as funeral sermons of the Protestant upper- and middleclass. The eulogies contain more or less extensive biographies and therefore constitute one of the most meaningful types of historical sources…


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The writings of Martin Luther, collected in 70 volumes in the "Weimarer Ausgabe", represent the most important work of a German author before Goethe in terms of volume and weight. Their national and international impact reaches far beyond the history of church and theology into the general cultural and intellectual history. No writer before or after Luther has had a comparable influence on the…


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