The list has 7 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 7.

Der Österreichische Bibelübersetzer. Gottes Wort deutsch

In the course of the project the works of the so called “Austrian Bible translator”, who created a comprehensive bible-translation and commenting about 200 years before Luther, are edited and made accessible. Since the 14th century, the “century of the layman-bible”, large parts of the Latin Vulgate and the accompanying exegetic and catechetic explanations have been increasingly translated into…


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Frühneuzeitliche Ärztebriefe des deutschsprachigen Raums (1500-1700)

This project undertakes a systematic survey of the tens of thousands of letters written by and addressed to learned physicians in the German-speaking area between 1500 and 1700, which have come down to us in numerous libraries and archives in Germany and abroad. These letters, many of which have gone unnoticed so far in historical scholarship, are valuable sources for the study of a wide range of…


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Historisch-kritische Gesamtausgabe der Werke Osianders

Andreas Osiander (1496-8/1552) stand immer im Schatten der großen Reformatoren Luther, Melanchthon, Zwingli und Calvin. Erst die zehnbändige Gesamtausgabe seiner Schriften, Predigten, Gutachten und Korrespondenz hat seine vielfältige Bedeutung für die Reformationsgeschichte hervortreten lassen. Seit 1522 als Prediger für die Reformation in der Reichsstadt Nürnberg tätig, hat er deren Geschicke bis…


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Katalog der deutschsprachigen illustrierten Handschriften des Mittelalters

The „Katalog der deutschsprachigen illustrierten Handschriften des Mittelalters", KdiH, (Catalogue of German-Language Illustrated Medieval Manuscripts) provides a basis for the text-image-research in the German lands. It focuses on the specific interplay and multi-facetted interdependencies of text and image. Art historians and textual scholars of German vernacular texts work hand in hand,…


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Lexikon deutsch-jüdischer Autoren

The Lexicon of German-Jewish Authors is compiled from the collection of the archive Bibliographia Judaica, which provides extensive sources from around 65,000 German-speaking Jewish authors, a biography and a bibliography of authors from A to Z. The term author has been defined in the literal sense of the Latin ‚auctor'. All German-speaking Jews who, as writers, scientists, artists or public…


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Steinerne Zeugen digital. German-Jewish Sepulchral Culture between the Middle Ages and Modernity – Space, Form, Inscription

There are more than 2000 surviving Jewish cemeteries in Germany, some dating from as far back as the eleventh century. Despite great losses, no other European country possesses a comparably old, rich and multi-layered Jewish tradition. These cemeteries are among the oldest testimonies to sepulchral culture in Germany, and therefore their preservation, documentation, development and dissemination…


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Systematisches Register zu deutschsprachigen Rezensionszeitschriften des 18. Jahrhunderts

The index is intended to document the "discourse" of the Enlightenment era, which encompassed and changed all sciences and deeply and momentously affected the public consciousness. This discourse took place primarily in the medium of journals, and there especially in the form of reviews and counter-reviews. Usually more widely distributed and more easily accessible than the reviewed works, these…


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