The letters of Philipp Jakob Spener (1635-1705), the founder of Lutheran Pietism, are not only first-rate sources for research on the beginnings of Pietism, the most important renewal movement of Protestantism since the Reformation, but also for the church and cultural history of the early modern period. Some of them are handwritten records and can be found in archives and libraries far beyond…
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Robert and Clara Schumann: The great pair of musicians of German romanticism has left a lasting impression on the cultural history of the 19th century. The contacts to almost all the important musicians of the time, but also to poets and painters, to publishers, to friends, and family members are reflected in an extensive correspondence, about which Robert Schumann kept meticulous books. As a…
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Church orders are a new type of source emerging in the 16th century and an invaluable treasure trove for research. They reflect the position of the respective sovereign or magistrate, especially in the official determination of the state of confession and the resulting religious norms. The church ordinances of the various territories and imperial cities by no means only contain internal…
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The decrees of the Frankish rulers are known as capitularies because of their subdivision into chapters (lat. capitula). They are amongst the most important sources for the history of the Frankish kingdoms. They are instructions similar to laws, ordinances or provisions, regulating political, military, ecclesiastical, social, economic and cultural matters.
In almost all parts of the Franconian…
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The aim of the project is to produce a critical, annotated edition of the scientific writings of the Göttingen physicist and philosopher Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799). Lichtenberg was one of the most respected experimental physicists of his time and was also active in many other scientific disciplines. His writings are highly significant testimonies and sources for the history of the…
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One of the urgent desiderata of German, French and Italian medieval studies has long been to close the tangible gap that still exists in the diploma series of the Monumenta Germaniae Historica for the Carolingian period: the critical edition of the diplomas of Louis the Pious. For a reliable assessment of the history of the Carolingian Empire between the death of Charlemagne and the Treaty of…
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The ancient Egyptian funerary texts are one of the most important and extensive literary areas of this culture. Three large collections of texts - roughly arranged according to time and place - define them: the pyramid texts of the Old Empire, the coffin texts of the Middle Empire and the Book of the Dead from the New Empire until the Roman times. In contrast to pyramid and coffin texts, the…
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The project “Edition of the Exchange of Letters by Johann Christoph Gottsched” started its work in 2000 and aims to record and publish all the letters handed down from and to Gottsched (approx. 6,000 letters, full text edition in chronological order). The letters to and from Gottsched’s wife Luise Adelgunde Victorie are also taken into account.
Gottsched’s correspondence is one of the most…
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Aufgabe der von 1994 bis 2007 in Pforzheim eingerichteten Forschungsstelle war die kritische und kommentierte Edition des Briefwechsels Reuchlins. Der in Pforzheim geborene Johannes Reuchlin (1455–1522) zählt zu den Begründern der frühneuzeitlichen Gräzistik und Hebraistik. Als Jurist und Diplomat war er in einflußreichen politischen Positionen des Herzogtums Württemberg tätig. Sein mutiges…
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The Commission for the Corpus of Greek Documents, established by the founder of Byzantine Studies, Karl Krumbacher, has been collecting and researching Greek documents of the Middle Ages (330 - 1453 AD) since 1900. Initially, the work was focused on the imperial charters as the most important genre of document. The systematic indexing was carried out in five extensive volumes (1924 - 1995, partly…
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For some 3,500 years (34th century BC to 1st century AD), cuneiform served to document, preserve and disseminate intellectual content. The capacity for great cultural and political achievement found among the empires of the Near East was closely bound to the development and use of this medium.
Characteristic to the cultures of the ancient Near East is thus not in the least the extraordinary…
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The "Erbe deutscher Musik" presents important works of German music history which are particularly characteristic of an epoch, a genre or a composer, in a critical and at the same time practical form. The project thus continues the tradition of German Denkmäler series. In 1953 the project, which was founded in 1933, was resumed. The volumes are published in a main series (with ten sections) and a…
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The Middle Ages were shaped by the separation in a Latin west and a Greek east, which still has an impact today. It also affected the law. The Justinian Corpus luris Civilis, which was almost forgotten over centuries in the west, was repeatedly translated into Greek in the law-courses in the sixth century. It remained present as basis for the rich and diverse legal literature of the Eastern Roman…
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In international collaboration with researchers from the USA, Canada, and Austria, the project produces the critical edition of the sentence commentaries of the Dominican theologian Richard Fishacre (founded in Oxford in the 1240s) and the Franciscan theologian Robert Cowton (founded about 1309-1311 in Oxford). The edition of the Sentences Commentary of the Franciscan Wilhelm de la Mare (written…
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Most of the sources that we have on the history of the late antiquity are lost and can at best be recovered in extracts through the reference from subsequent authors, who sometimes lived half a millennium later. The late antiquity is of great importance for the political and cultural development of Europe that cannot be overestimated: within this epoch highly dramatic events occured that one can…
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The project “DGS-Korpus” aimis at the systematic registration and documentation of the German sign language in its lively diversity and the creation of an electronic dictionary based on the corpus data. The dictionary will be an important reference book for everyone who will use the German sign language as a tool for communication and additionally for DGS-learners and linguists. Exceeding the…
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The Encyclopedia of Fairy Tales (EM) is a handbook on historical and comparative narrative research. It comprehensively presents the results of one and a half centuries of international research work in the field of folk narrative traditions in the past and present. The work focuses on the oral and literary narrative forms of Europe and the cultures influenced by Europe, but also endeavours to…
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The project “Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg” (i.e. “Epigraphic Database Heidelberg”, or EDH for short) was established in 1986 with a duration of five years under the auspices of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Program, and further funded from 1991 onwards by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. Since 1993, it has been a research project at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences with a duration until 2020.…
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Printed funeral sermons of the two centuries between 1550 and 1750 have gained decisive importance for research into the early modern period beyond their original function as funeral sermons of the Protestant upper and middle classes. The aim of the project is to catalogue the funeral sermon collections of the early modern period and to evaluate them as a source for cultural and social history,…
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