Edition der älteren Universitätsakten der Universität Heidelberg, deren bedeutender Quellenwert für die Institutionen-, Wirtschafts- und Geistesgeschichte durch kritische Bearbeitung erschlossen wurde.
Die Arbeit in der Arbeitsstelle galt in den ersten Monaten des Jahres 2002 der Fertigstellung des abschließenden Faszikels des II. Bandes der Rektorbücher der Universität Heidelberg. Dieses Heft…
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The project focuses on alpine glaciers and their role in the continental hydrologic cycle, as climate indicators and their interaction with the solid earth. In addition to many years of intensive research work on the Vernagtferner, the "house glacier" in the Ötztal Alps, investigations are being carried out in various glacier regions, e.g. Iceland, Norway, the Pamir, and the Karakorum. Along with…
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Since 1899, the Glossaire des patois de la Suisse romande (GPSR) has been an essential player in the promotion of the linguistic heritage of French-speaking Switzerland. Based in Neuchâtel, it is one of the four national Vocabularies of the Swiss Confederation. Like its partners in German, Graubünden and Ticino, its mission is to document as completely as possible the dialects of his linguistic…
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The project’s aim is to present Gluck’s complete works in a critical historical edition for science and musical practice. These include the notated music with its text-critical annotation and extensive information about the work history and the contemporary reception; likewise facsimiles of the textbooks are printed in the respective volume. Gluck’s oeuvre, rarely maintained in the autograph,…
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The „Goethe-Wörterbuch“ is a dictionary that analyses the use of words in the texts of a single author, presenting Goethe’s entire vocabulary in alphabetical order. On the basis of approximately three million archive slips on about 90.000 headwords, it displays their multiple usage in systematically structured entries, with selected quotations to verify and illustrate the differentiated meanings.…
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Gottfried Semper’s two volume «Style in the Technical and Tectonic Arts, or Practical Aesthetics» (1860/63) is presented for the first time in a critical digital edition. All its different stages are made available as digital facsimiles and transcriptions: manuscripts, fair copies, proofs, prints and their variants, drawings for illustrations, woodcut proofs.
The critical digital edition will…
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The aim of the research project “Grammatiken, Korpora und Sprachtechnologie für indigene nordeurasische Sprachen (INEL)” (Grammatical Descriptions, Corpora and Language Technology for Indigenous Northern Eurasian Languages) is the documentation of endangered languages. The north Eurasian area is of great interest for linguists from all over the world. The diversity of the indigenous languages…
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The aim of the research project, which is scheduled to run until 2018, is to record and understand the mechanisms of the Earth's climate system, its responses to external drives (increasing greenhouse gases, solar variability, volcanic eruptions, etc.) and their effects on the anthroposphere. The basis of the research tasks, which include diagnostics and a possible forecast of climate change, is…
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With the project “Grundlagen, Normen und Kriterien der ethischen Urteilsbildung in den Biowissenschaften – Referenzzentrum” the German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences (DRZE) creates the scientific basis for a qualified bioethical discussion in a German, European, and International framework. For this purpose, the relevant interdisciplinary information, the social issues that have…
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The "ground plan" of the history of German poetry from its sources is the basic work of German literary historical research that was simultaneously developed and grown with the subject. The aim is to explore and process all the essential historical facts and data on the development of German literature from its beginning to the end of the 19th century. The chronological presentation of the…
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The “Hallische Händel-Ausgabe” is a critical complete edition of Händel’s oevre based on all known sources. It is made for theoretical and practical use. The Editorial Board is put together internationally. Each volume contains an introduction that consists of the origin history, the works’ heritage, and a discussion of performance questions. In each edition of vocal works there is a German and,…
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Written sources are – like art and buildings – integral parts of the cultural heritage, whose preservation, indexing and provision are central social duties. The knowledge of the past is principally based on texts, that more or less accidentally escaped destruction. These records preserve the knowledge, the faith, the tales, the visions and dreams of the people. They give testimony of past…
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The Hand Dictionary of Musical Terminology (HmT) deals in detailed monographs with the origin and meaning of musical terms, by understanding their conceptual and History of meaning comprehensively processed and lexically presented. As a first attempt at all an encyclopedic documentation and reflection of the musical terminology in past and present, the HmT is conceived as a music terminological…
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Hans Kelsen (1881-1973), a scientist of Jewish origin born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and driven out of Germany by the Nazis in 1933, who found his new home in exile in the USA, is still one of the most debated legal theorists on a global scale more than 40 years after his death. He is one of the very few jurists who have gained worldwide recognition outside their German-speaking circle and…
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Die Forschungsstelle hatte die Aufgabe, die Bestände antiker Originale der Kunst und des Kunsthandwerks im Antikenmuseum des Archäologischen Instituts der Universität Heidelberg durch wissenschaftliche Kataloge der Forschung zugänglich zu machen. Die 1848 gegründete Antikensammlung besitzt heute eine der größten archäologischen Lehrsammlungen an deutschen Universitäten.
Die bedeutendsten…
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Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575) took over the control of the Zurich church as a young man after the early death of Zwingli (1531) and made Zurich one of the centres of Protestant Europe.
He left behind an extensive correspondence, consisting of 10,000 letters addressed to him and 2,000 letters written by himself, which is one of the most extensive correspondence of the 16th century. It represents…
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The art historian Heinrich Wölfflin (1864-1945) is one of the most influential international authors in the field to this day. On the occasion of the centenary of the principles (Grundbegtriffe) of art history, Heinrich Wölfflin's collected works are published under the direction of Prof. Dr. Tristan Weddigen and Prof. Dr. Oskar Bätschmann. The fourteen-volume edition will be published by Schwabe…
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