From 2012 to 2025, the project explores the beginning and end of the Roman era in the central Alpine region. Through excavation projects in Pfaffenhofen (North Tyrol) and San Martino/San Silvestro (Trentino), the project opens up new archaeological source material from two important transitional periods. In Pfaffenhofen-Hörtenberg, the largest Iron Age settlement in North Tyrol is being…
The systematic research into the Ethiopian manuscript culture is the aim of the long-term project “Die Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: Eine multimediale Forschungsumgebung” (“Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts of Ethiopia and Eritrea”). Ethiopia and Eritrea are situated, from the perspective of cultural history, both at the periphery of the so-called Christian Orient and in the…
The aim of the project described below is to develop two fundamental desiderata of Koranic research: an edition of the Koranic text that meets critical standards and a comprehensive commentary on the Koran that consistently interprets it in the context of its historical context of origin. In contrast to the Kairen Koran edition of 1923, which is currently widespread, the project presented here is…
The Coptic-Sahidic Bible is one of the most important literary witnesses of Christianity in the eastern Mediterranean. The Coptic Old Testament, which essentially dates back to the 4th century, is one of the earliest and most extensive versions of the Greek Septuagint (LXX). The translation of the Bible into Coptic was source and inspiration for the entire Coptic-Christian literature of Egypt. In…
The decrees of the Frankish rulers are known as capitularies because of their subdivision into chapters (lat. capitula). They are amongst the most important sources for the history of the Frankish kingdoms. They are instructions similar to laws, ordinances or provisions, regulating political, military, ecclesiastical, social, economic and cultural matters.
Most of the sources that we have on the history of the late antiquity are lost and can at best be recovered in extracts through the reference from subsequent authors, who sometimes lived half a millennium later. The late antiquity is of great importance for the political and cultural development of Europe that cannot be overestimated: within this epoch highly dramatic events occured that one can…
The “Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Althochdeutschen (EWA)” covers the entire vocabulary of Old High German from about 750 to 1150 CE. The vocabulary of Old High German is the richest among the Early Germanic languages, because it reflects almost all areas of social life. The EWA fills a serious gap in the corpus of academic resources for German and Indo-European Linguistics by developing a…
The aim of the long-term project is the systematic reconstruction and editing of Early Medieval certificates and letters (Formulae) as well as research into formulaic writing in Western Europe before the 11th century. It is rooted at the interface of history, Latin philology and legal history and examines sources which are of great importance for the study of Early Medieval society. The Formulae…
For the critical edition of the Greek prose writings by the Byzantine theologian John of Damascus (700- ca. 750) the authentic works and the works attributed to him are edited, including the Barlaam novel, which is traditionally written under his name and was completed in 2008. The work is coordinated by the Patristic Commission of the German Academies of Sciences, whose aim is to produce critical…
The Swiss Inventory of Coin Finds (SICF) is an information and documentation centre which records and documents the numismatic sources – coin finds and relevant documents – from Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein.
The Swiss Inventory of Coin Finds (SICF) was founded in 1992 by the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAHS). We have been located since 2015 at…
With the systematic publication of the library catalogues, which were written in Germany and Switzerland until about 1500, the project contributes to the recording of the intellectual heritage of the Middle Ages and to its accessibility for research.
The "Münchener Texte und Untersuchungen zur deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters" (MTU) is an internationally renowned series of research on the Germanic Middle Ages. It provides the academic public with selected editorial and methodological-analytically oriented works by colleagues from Germany and abroad. The publication languages are German and English.
The Old High German Dictionary (Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch) fully describes the vocabulary of the earliest stage of the German language, supported by illustrative citations from corpus material. Designed to be edited in ten volumes, it provides a comprehensive analysis of the entire lexical material preserved in texts, glosses, and glossaries, covering a period of eight centuries from the…
The aim of the project is to record all older place names of the federal state of Bremen, the federal state of Lower Saxony and the Westphalian part of the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia, additionally, to compile the historical tradition, to present explanations of names made in previous research and to present its own interpretation. The project is carried by the Göttingen Academy of…
The aim of REGESTA IMPERII is to record all documented and historiographically documented activities of the Roman-German kings and emperors from the Carolingians up to Maximilian I. (approx. 751-1519) as well as of selected popes in the form of German “Regesten” (abstracts).
The starting point of the undertaking is strongly connected with the name of the Frankfurt municipal librarian Friedrich…