
Averroes (Ibn Rušd) und die arabische, hebräische und lateinische Rezeption der aristotelischen Naturphilosophie

Digital Research Environment:

The Aristotle annotations of Ibn Rušd or Averroes (1126–1198) form a total of the Arabic reception of the Greek philosophy and from the Late Antiquity. As such, they have had a formative influence on the respective discourses of knowledge, especially in their Latin and Hebrew translations over the centuries. The project deals with an yet unexplored part of Ibn Rušd’s natural philosophy, which at the same time lays out a cross-section of the three linguistic branches of tradition.

The project goal of a complete edition of all of Ibn Rušd’s comments and treatises on natural philosophy addresses, in addition to this thematic focus, further desiderates of research: Methodologically, the aim is to place the research of Ibn Rušd’s first commentary series (the so-called Kompendien or Epitomai), which has received almost no critical edition so far, on a secure basis and to analyze it in the context of its direct models. Therefore, three comments Ibn Rušd used by Ibn Bāǧǧa (ca. 1075–1139) are included in the edition. Furthermore, Ibn Rušd’s text revisions and position changes are to be revealed by taking into account all three lines of transmission. The digital platform Digital Averroes Research Environment (DARE) is used to document all results and interim results of the project.


  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andreas Speer (Project Leader)
  • Jun.-Prof. Dr. David Wirmer (Project Leader)
  • Dr. Corrado la Martire (Research Associate)
  • Dr. Grégory Clesse (Research Associate)
  • Dr. Oded Horezky (Research Associate)
  • Dr. Rafael Nájera (Research Associate)
  • Dr. Tamas Visi (Research Associate)
  • Margarete Neuhaus (Doctoral Candidate)
Averroes Edition
Running time
Project type

Contact person for the academies' programme

Sebastian Zwies M.A.

Geschäftsstelle Mainz
Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 2
55131 Mainz

Tel: 06131/218 528-17