Research Projects

AGATE provides access to research information on projects of the German Academies' Programme and the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences. The metadata recorded for the projects can be accessed via a full-text search and faceted according to aspects such as the responsible academy, the project status and content-related aspects such as the geographical or temporal classification of the project. The full-text search allows truncation by setting an asterisk '*' in combination with at least three characters.

The list has 32 entrie(s). Displaying entries 6 to 10.

Research Project, since 1904

Dicziunari Rumantsch Grischun. Nationales Wörterbuch des Rätoromanischen

The Institut des Dicziunari Rumantsch Grischun (IDRG), based in Chur, is the editor of the largest Romansh dictionary in Graubünden. It contains the entire vocabulary of all idioms and dialects documented from the 16th century to the present day, including the spoken language.

The DRG is one of Switzerland's four national dictionaries. The other institutes are located in Zurich (Idiotikon;…


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Research Project, 2017–2020

Die Akten und Urkunden des Klosters und der Hofmeisterei Königsfelden (1308-1658)

During its existence (1308-1528), the double monastery of Königsfelden was one of the central clerical institutions of the Aargau region and continued to exert a great attraction on the people of the region and beyond for centuries afterwards. The project makes the rich tradition from the Middle Ages and early modern times accessible for research and interested non-experts in the form of a digital…


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Research Project, since 2014

Digitales sumerisches Lexikon

The index card collection of the University of Munich, copied and arranged by Prof. Dr. P. Attinger in 1992, has since then been continuously expanded and supplemented by him. The basic stock of about 17 000 cards after transcription has grown to about 75 000 cards until today. Sumerian lexemes and their proofs are recorded, mainly in secondary literature. The lexemes are recorded both in their…


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Research Project, since 1975

Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz

The Dodis research centre is the independent centre of excellence for studies in the history of Swiss foreign policy and international relations after the establishing of the Swiss Confederation in 1848. Dodis provides foundational research in contemporary history in this field.

On its online database Dodis, the research centre offers access to a large selection of key sources in the history of…


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Research Project, since 2005

e-codices. Virtuelle Handschriftenbibliothek der Schweiz

 Since 2005, e-codices has been editing medieval and modern manuscripts on the Internet as the digital manuscript library of Switzerland. Its high-quality and innovative presentation makes it a nationally and internationally recognized research tool. Currently 2'480 manuscripts from 97 libraries are online (as of October 26, 2020). The project is freely accessible (Open Access). The goal is to…


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