Research Projects

AGATE provides access to research information on projects of the German Academies' Programme and the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences. The metadata recorded for the projects can be accessed via a full-text search and faceted according to aspects such as the responsible academy, the project status and content-related aspects such as the geographical or temporal classification of the project. The full-text search allows truncation by setting an asterisk '*' in combination with at least three characters.

The list has 36 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 5.

Research Project, since 1965

Année Politique Suisse

Since 1965, Année Politique Suisse (APS) has offered a precise, objective and concentrated account of developments in Swiss politics and society. We follow a political business from its launch to a possible referendum and its implementation, we report on important social controversies, synthesize practice-relevant studies and reports, follow groundbreaking court rulings, developments in the party…


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Research Project, since 1971

Bearbeitung des literarischen Nachlasses von Karl Barth

With the complete edition of the works of Karl Barth (1886-1968), the goal is to make available the texts, some of which have not yet been published, some of which are remote or scattered, in a critically commented edition that meets today's scientific standards. More than 50 volumes have been published since 1970. It is expected that a total of 75 volumes will be published.
The texts of the…


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Research Project, 1997–2020

Der späte Nietzsche. Manuskriptedition des Nachlasses 1885-1889

The German-Swiss edition project "Der späte Nietzsche" publishes Friedrich Nietzsche's late estate for the first time in its entirety and true to the manuscript. Since 2001, the manuscript edition has been published as the ninth section (KGW IX) in the Critical Complete Edition of the Works, founded by Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari. In addition, the outstanding manuscripts are published in a…


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Research Project, 1972–2015

Deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters. Verfasserlexikon

The Verfasserlexikon represents a fundamental and encompassing work of reference on German literature of the Middle Ages as well as a selection of German, Latin writing authors of the period. It contains more than 5000 articles by numerous scholars from Germany and abroad, arranged alphabetically by author and anonymous work title.

All German-language authors and works from the beginning of…


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