Research Projects

AGATE provides access to research information on projects of the German Academies' Programme and the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences. The metadata recorded for the projects can be accessed via a full-text search and faceted according to aspects such as the responsible academy, the project status and content-related aspects such as the geographical or temporal classification of the project. The full-text search allows truncation by setting an asterisk '*' in combination with at least three characters.

The list has 305 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 5.

Research Project, 2015–2032

Alexander von Humboldt auf Reisen. Wissenschaft aus der Bewegung

The academy project “Alexander von Humboldt auf Reisen. Wissenschaft aus der Bewegung” comprises the complete edition of Alexander von Humboldt’s manuscripts on the topic of travel at the interface of cultural and natural sciences. This includes travel journals, diaries, memoirs, publications in the countries and regions visited as well as correspondence. The focus of the project lies on the…


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Research Project, 1959–2014

Alexander von Humboldt-Forschung

The task of the Research Centre is to select the edition of the manuscript estate of the important explorer Alexander von Humboldt (1769 - 1859), the complete edition of his dependent publications, and the historical analysis of the scientific heritage. Extensive collections of copies of letters from and to Humboldt as well as of his travel diaries have been created for this purpose. These and…


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Research Project, 1984–2020

Altfranzösisches etymologisches Wörterbuch

The “Dictionnaire étymologique de l’ancien français” (DEAF) is a fundamental dictionary of Old French, encompassing the timespan between 842 (date of the Strasbourg Oath between Louis the German and Charles the Bald against Lothair I transmitted in the Old High German and Old French languages) until the mid-14th century (the epochal boundary with Middle French on philological and social grounds).


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