Research Project, 1971–2001
Research Projects
AGATE provides access to research information on projects of the German Academies' Programme and the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences. The metadata recorded for the projects can be accessed via a full-text search and faceted according to aspects such as the responsible academy, the project status and content-related aspects such as the geographical or temporal classification of the project. The full-text search allows truncation by setting an asterisk '*' in combination with at least three characters.
The list has 17 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 5.
Research Project, 2015–2037
Altägyptische Kursivschriften. Digitale Paläographie und systematische Analyse des Hieratischen und der Kursivhieroglyphen
The subject of the interdisciplinary project, which combines egyptological research with methods from computer philology, consists of the ancient Egyptian scripts called Hieratic and cursive hieroglyphic script, both having been used alongside monumental hieroglyphic script for over 3000 years. The inventory of signs taken from selected texts is systematically and digitally recorded with different…
Research Project, 2020–2037
Burchards Dekret Digital. Arbeitsplattform zu Texterschließung und Wirkungsgeschichte früh- und hochmittelalterlicher Rechtskulturen
Ecclesiastical law had a lasting influence on Western and Central Europe until the 20th century and contributed fundamentally to the emergence of common European legal foundations. The ways in which these influences were transmitted are manifold and go back a long way. For it was not only since the 12th century - as is often claimed - that Europe developed into a unified area in many respects in…
Research Project, 2003–2022
Controversia et Confessio. Quellenedition zu Bekenntnisbildung und Konfessionalisierung (1548–1580)
For the first time, the research and edition project “Controversia et Confessio” systematically reappraises the theological controversies triggered by the Augsburg Interim and the Leipzig Alternative Draft of 1548, which could only be largely resolved by the large-scale theological unification of the Conoria Formula and the Konkordienbuch 1577/80. In these disputes, an early modern “culture of…
Research Project, 2016–2036
Das Corpus der hethitischen Festrituale. Staatliche Verwaltung des Kultwesens im spätbronzezeitlichen Anatolien
The festival texts are the most extensive but also the least investigated group of cuneiform texts from Hittite Anatolia. At the same time, among the ancient Near Eastern cultures, they also offer a uniquely dense documentation of the cult system and its state administration. The aim of the project is an editorial reconstruction of the corpus, accessible in the form of web-based text editions.…