Research Projects

AGATE provides access to research information on projects of the German Academies' Programme and the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences. The metadata recorded for the projects can be accessed via a full-text search and faceted according to aspects such as the responsible academy, the project status and content-related aspects such as the geographical or temporal classification of the project. The full-text search allows truncation by setting an asterisk '*' in combination with at least three characters.

The list has 8 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 5.

Research Project, 2008–2019

Codex diplomaticus Saxoniae

The “Codex diplomaticus Saxoniae” (CDS) is the authoritative edition of the medieval documents of the margraves of Meissen, electors of Saxony and landgraves of Thuringia, the documents of the cities and religious institutions of Saxony as well as the papal documents handed down in Saxony. This wide-ranging collection of documents now comprises more than 30 volumes with a total of over 11,000…


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Research Project, 2010–2024

Edition der Briefe Robert und Clara Schumanns mit Freunden und Künstlerkollegen

Robert and Clara Schumann: The great pair of musicians of German romanticism has left a lasting impression on the cultural history of the 19th century. The contacts to almost all the important musicians of the time, but also to poets and painters, to publishers, to friends, and family members are reflected in an extensive correspondence, about which Robert Schumann kept meticulous books. As a…


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Research Project, 1975–2011

Erfassung und Auswertung deutschsprachiger Leichenpredigten der frühen Neuzeit

Printed funeral sermons of the two centuries between 1550 and 1750 have gained decisive importance for research into the early modern period beyond their original function as funeral sermons of the Protestant upper and middle classes. The aim of the project is to catalogue the funeral sermon collections of the early modern period and to evaluate them as a source for cultural and social history,…


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Research Project, 1992–2010

Historischer Atlas von Sachsen

The Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig took over the project initiated by the Saxon Commission for History in 1896 with the establishment of a office site in 1992. The "Atlas zur Geschichte und Landeskunde von Sachsen" is being produced in cooperation between the Academy, the Saxony State Surveying Office and the Dresden University of Applied Sciences (FH).

The atlas will be designed in terms…


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Research Project, 2010–2024

Klöster im Hochmittelalter. Innovationslabore europäischer Lebensentwürfe und Ordnungsmodelle

"Klöster im Hochmittelalter" combines basic research with new perspectives from cultural studies. The project analyses the monastic world of the Middle Ages as a pioneer of modernity.

Between the 11th and 13th century, monasteries and religious communities played a major role in shaping ideas of community and individualization in Medieval Europe. With their convents, orders and personnel they…


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