Research Projects

AGATE provides access to research information on projects of the German Academies' Programme and the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences. The metadata recorded for the projects can be accessed via a full-text search and faceted according to aspects such as the responsible academy, the project status and content-related aspects such as the geographical or temporal classification of the project. The full-text search allows truncation by setting an asterisk '*' in combination with at least three characters.

The list has 2 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 2.

Research Project, 1978–2006

Deutsche Reichstagsakten, Jüngere Reihe (1532-1555)

The aim of this research project is to work on the Reichstage from 1532 - 1555, i.e. to index and record, edit and publish the relevant, widely scattered archive material, in order to make a source of central importance for the German and European history of the epoch of Emperor Charles V and the Reformation usable. In addition to its value for the study of general and political history, the…


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Research Project, 1965–2027

Neue Schubert-Ausgabe

The “Neue Schubert-Ausgabe” is a scholarly critical edition of all musical works of Franz Schubert (1797-1828). Its 84 volumes are classified in eight series according to groups of works and include a catalogue of works, documents concerning the biography, and catalogues of sources. Each volume lists the most important sources and interpretations, and is completed by a separate critical report.…


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