Research Projects

AGATE provides access to research information on projects of the German Academies' Programme and the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences. The metadata recorded for the projects can be accessed via a full-text search and faceted according to aspects such as the responsible academy, the project status and content-related aspects such as the geographical or temporal classification of the project. The full-text search allows truncation by setting an asterisk '*' in combination with at least three characters.

The list has 2 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 2.

Research Project, 2007–2027

Deutsche Wortfeldetymologie. Der Mensch in Natur und Kultur

While other European cultural nations have comprehensive etymological dictionaries, German, one of the world’s most common languages in quantitative terms, lacks a large scientific etymological dictionary. For this reason, the “German etymology of semantic fields in a European Context (DWEE)” wants to close this gap on the one hand: This applies particularly to words that have only appeared since…


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Research Project, 1928–2017

Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie

The "Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie (RlA)" is an international encyclopedia for the archaeology, history and culture of the Ancient Orient. From the 4th to the 1st millennium BC, numerous languages were written in Mesopotamia (today Iraq), Syria, Turkey, Western Iran, Armenia, Lebanon and Israel, including Sumerian, Babylonian-Assyrian and Hittite, with cuneiform…


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