Research Project, 1997–2020
The German-Swiss edition project "Der späte Nietzsche" publishes Friedrich Nietzsche's late estate for the first time in its entirety and true to the manuscript. Since 2001, the manuscript edition has been published as the ninth section (KGW IX) in the Critical Complete Edition of the Works, founded by Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari. In addition, the outstanding manuscripts are published in a digital edition developed and supervised at the University of Basel.
Nietzsche's later estate, from which his sister Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche compiled the phantom work "Der Wille zur Macht" (1901 and 1906/11 respectively), is published for the first time as a booklet and folder edition. On the one hand, this illuminates the extent of the forgery of the work, which is unprecedented in the history of editions, and on the other hand, it provides Nietzsche research with a secure and complete textual basis. With the differentiated transcription and digital facsimilation of the manuscripts as well as an editorial follow-up report, KGW IX concludes the edition and commentary of the late estate in KGW. The primary intention is to document the manuscripts in their entirety and to show the typical notarial character of the records. Instead of offering a false-unambiguous text in the form of smoothed reading texts ( as has been usual in previous editions), a diplomatic transcription reproduces all correction processes, deletions, later revisions, etc. And instead of forcing the notes into a chronological order, which in many cases cannot be determined at all and therefore always remains editorially arbitrary, the original topological arrangement is retained. The manuscript edition thus allows new insights into the writing process and text genesis in late Nietzsche. A digital edition is also under construction for the material still to be edited after completion of the edition of the booklets, the late notes on loose sheets collected in archive folders. In this online edition, the manuscripts will be openly accessible with all editorial information, both as facsimile and in the differentiated transcription, each individually and in synoptic presentation, as well as being citable, searchable and analyzable.
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- Permanent Cooperation Partners
- Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv, Weimar
- Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Nationale Infrastruktur für Editionen - Infrastructure nationale pour les éditions
- Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
- Verlag Walter de Gruyter, Berlin
- Schweizerisches Literaturarchiv, Bern
- Zur Genealogie des Schreibens, Technische Universität Dortmund (Prof. Dr. Martin Stingelin)
- Internationale Nietzscheforschungsgruppe Stuttgart, Stuttgart Research Centre for Text Studies, Universität Stuttgart
- Nietzsche-Edition Berlin/Weimar
- Prof. Dr. Hubert Thüring (Project Leader)
- Dr. Beat Röllin (Research Assistant)
- Dr. Christian Steiner (Research Assistant)
- Dr. René Stockmar (Research Assistant)
Der späte Nietzsche. Manuskriptedition des Nachlasses 1885–1889
Deutsches Seminar
Nadelberg 4
CH-4051 Basel