Research Project, 2016–2033
A project of the
Academy, since 2004
Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg
The aim of the research project “Grammatiken, Korpora und Sprachtechnologie für indigene nordeurasische Sprachen (INEL)” (Grammatical Descriptions, Corpora and Language Technology for Indigenous Northern Eurasian Languages) is the documentation of endangered languages. The north Eurasian area is of great interest for linguists from all over the world. The diversity of the indigenous languages encountered in this area like Ket, Selkup and their dialects is seriously threatened, as they are only spoken actively by few inhabitants of the region. However, numerous evidence and descriptions exist in the form of minutes and recordings on-site as well as in archives on the Russian Federation. They constitute unique documents of local languages and cultures. The innovative character of the project arises from compiling these existing descriptions of the individual languages in the research project, digitising them and adding a range of other linguistic information. By means of modern and interdisciplinary methods of digital data processing, sustainable foundations for the empirical study of the languages in the north Eurasian area can be created. In doing so, highly attractive systematically examined multimedia resources can be established. These so called “linguistic corpora” are made accessible permanently for the scientific community as well as interested laymen.
The long-term research project under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Beáta Wagner-Nagy is set to last for 18 years and is conducted at the Institute for Finno-Ugric/Uralic Studies of the Universität Hamburg.
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- Prof. Dr. Beáta Wagner-Nagy (Project Leader)
- Dr. Alexandre Arkhipov (Research Associate)
- Timm Lehmberg M.A. (Research Associate)
- Dr. Maria Brykina (Research Associate)
- Chris Lasse Däbritz M.A. (Doctoral Candidate)
- Anne Ferger M.A. (Research Associate)
- Daniel Jettka M.A. (Research Associate)
- Dr. Valentin Gusev (Research Associate)
- Alexandre Arkhipov
- alexandre.arkhipov[at]
Contact person for the academies' programme
Sebastian Zwies M.A.
Geschäftsstelle Mainz
Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 2
55131 Mainz
Tel: 06131/218 528-17