Research Project, 2011–2034

Galen als Vermittler, Interpret und Vollender Der antiken Medizin

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The project “Galen als Vollender, Interpret und Vermittler der antiken Medizin” edits, translates, and comments on medical texts by Galen, which - from today’s perspective - are in the field of tension between the natural sciences and the humanities.

Galen von Pergamon, who worked in Rome in the 2nd century CE as medical advisor to Emperor Marcus Aurelius, became with his extensive oeuvre the decisive authority of medicine from antiquity through the European and Arab Middle Ages until far into modern times. He saw himself as a representative and perfector of the hippocratic art of healing, but he also absorbed and independently enriched the entire medical knowledge of his time. His works have been translated into Latin, Syrian, Arabic and Hebrew and have been both the basis of medical knowledge and a source of inspiration for new developments in the Orient and Occident.

From the 6th to the early 19th century, the study of Galen texts in East and West was an integral part of the study of medicine without major interruptions. Galen was accordingly formative for the training of medical terminology, but also generally for the self-image of the physician and medicine and all questions that arose with regard to the health, the structure and function of the human body as well as the philosophical and scientific theoretical foundations of medical recognition and action.

The project focuses on research into Galen’s works and their role as a decisive authority in the transfer of medical knowledge from antiquity to the Middle Ages and modern times, as well as between Europe and the Orient. In doing so, the work focuses on several core topics, for which both the critical publication of extensive key texts and their content indexing is aimed for.

The project follows the tradition of the Corpus Medicorum Graecorum (CMG) and continues to supervise the publication series of the CMG and CML. All volumes of these series are freely available in electronic form on the project’s homepage. The academy project is part of the “Zentrum Grundlagenforschung Alte Welt” of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities.


  • Prof. Dr. Christian Brockmann (Project Leader)
  • Dr. Roland Wittwer (Office Site Leader)
  • Dr. Carl Wolfram Brunschön (Research Associate)
  • Luigi Orlandi (Research Associate)

Contact person for the academies' programme

Sebastian Zwies M.A.

Geschäftsstelle Mainz
Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 2
55131 Mainz

Tel: 06131/218 528-17