Research Project, 1990–2016
A project of the
Academy, since 1970
Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Lower Saxony
The aim of the project is to produce a critical, annotated edition of the scientific writings of the Göttingen physicist and philosopher Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799). Lichtenberg was one of the most respected experimental physicists of his time and was also active in many other scientific disciplines. His writings are highly significant testimonies and sources for the history of the natural sciences. His lectures were based on his friend Erxleben's Lehrbuch der Naturlehre. The entire material - the scientific treatises, his lecture notes and notes - is to be recorded and transcribed according to the standards of today's text-critical demands and made accessible through extensive commentaries and indexes.
Contact person for the academies' programme
Sebastian Zwies M.A.
Geschäftsstelle Mainz
Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 2
55131 Mainz
Tel: 06131/218 528-17