Research Project, 1905–2015

Jahresberichte für deutsche Geschichte

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The task of the project is to compile the German and foreign-language new publications on all subject areas of German history on the basis of the autopsy principle as completely as possible and to make them accessible in form and content. The reporting period covers the period from the birth of Christ to the present day. It covers the entire range of scientific publications such as monographs, anthologies, journal articles, source editions, reference works or bibliographies. The project provides historians and the historically interested public with a comprehensive and, for all practical purposes, sufficiently complete source of information on scientific publications on German history.

A comprehensive database is established, maintained and constantly expanded. The database is published in a CD-Rom version with regular updates. In addition, the annual reports on German history are published in book form.

Contact person for the academies' programme

Sebastian Zwies M.A.

Geschäftsstelle Mainz
Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 2
55131 Mainz

Tel: 06131/218 528-17