Research Project, 1951–2023
A project of the
Academy, since 1949
Academy of Sciences and Literature | Mainz
The project’s aim is to present Gluck’s complete works in a critical historical edition for science and musical practice. These include the notated music with its text-critical annotation and extensive information about the work history and the contemporary reception; likewise facsimiles of the textbooks are printed in the respective volume. Gluck’s oeuvre, rarely maintained in the autograph, comprises a wide range of passed on and newer opera forms of the 18th century. Moreover, it includes symphonies, trio sonatas, as well as odes and songs. Due to already presented volumes, works of other genres got into the appreciation of the broad musical public. During the following years, the editorial work is focused on the Opere serie from Gluck’s earlier creative phase, Opéras-comiques and his ballets. The edition is categorized according to group of works: music dramas, dance dramas, Italian Opere serie and opera serenade, French comic opera, instrumental music, and vocal music. It is published by the Bärenreiter publishing company and will encompass 59 volumes: 52 volumes with integrated Critical Commentaries, 3 separate Critical Commentaries, and 4 supplementary volumes. In addition, the list of works and references, which is supposed to be published as a print version when the edition is finished, is made available to the public already today: the acquired insights about individual works gradually appear in the here presented digital version.
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- Dr. Tania Gölz (Project Leader)
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Pietschmann (Project Leader)
- Prof. Dr. Daniela Philippi (Research Associate)
Contact person for the academies' programme
Sebastian Zwies M.A.
Geschäftsstelle Mainz
Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 2
55131 Mainz
Tel: 06131/218 528-17