Research Project, 1967–2004
A project of the
Academy, since 1992
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
The purpose of the project is to create an edition of the collected works of the historian of philosophy and religious philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach (1804 - 1872). Especially through his criticism of Hegel, in his writing "Das Wesen des Christentums“ as well as the drafts for a "Philosophie der Zukunft" and his "Vorlesungen über das Wesen der Religion“ Ludwig Feuerbach has a lasting influence on the intellectual and political movements of the German Vormärz and the revolution of 1848/49. His critical-realist philosophical anthropology, his vote for a close alliance between philosophy and the natural sciences and his commitment to social justice and human solidarity are of lasting relevance.
Volumes 1 to 12 of the collected works contain the writings published during Feuerbach's lifetime in a chronological order and in the completeness and authenticity achieved so far. Except for a few fragments, no manuscripts have been handed down to these writings, therefore in each case the first print form the basis of the text. A critical apparatus gives information about the authors’s editing in further editions. Works from Feuerbach's handwritten estate are provided in volume 13 to 16. Volume 17 to 21 are dedicated to the philosopher's correspondence, which are three times more comprehensive than previous editions. The final Volume contains the complete register of the individual register of the estate and correspondence volumes.
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Contact person for the academies' programme
Sebastian Zwies M.A.
Geschäftsstelle Mainz
Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 2
55131 Mainz
Tel: 06131/218 528-17