Research Project, 1979–2006

Bibliographische Annalen

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The Bibliographische Annalen project continues and will complete the bibliographical handbook "Literatur in der DDR". Two volumes of the handbook were already published in 1986 by the Central Institute for History of Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR. The handbook is an internationally established scholarly reference work that bibliographically records all fiction and serial publications published in the GDR - including corresponding secondary literature, non-fiction and illustrated stories - in annual cross sections. Within the annalistic overviews, selected journals are also analysed and cultural-political events are recorded in order to indicate the social and political contexts of the time.

This makes the "Bibliographische Annalen" a fundamental source for the studies on contemporary history and the history of literature. It offers a systematic overview of the production, distribution and recording of literature in the GDR, and in addition, through its registers it provides straightforward access to detailed information on authors, pseudonyms, works, editions, reviews. The bibliographical entry of the first publication contains additional details.

An essential task of the project is the inclusion of material, which is obtained through archive research, that has not yet been listed. This includes the textbooks of the theatres, which are reproduced as typescript prints and are intended for stage use, and which allow informative comparisons with actual performance practice. Four continuation volumes and a complete index are planned. The results of the work will be published both in printed form and on CD-ROM; the book will be published after the last volume has been completed, so that data and information can be incorporated right up to the end.

Contact person for the academies' programme

Sebastian Zwies M.A.

Geschäftsstelle Mainz
Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 2
55131 Mainz

Tel: 06131/218 528-17