Research Project, 1986–2017
A project of the
Academy, since 1970
Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Lower Saxony
The Horus Temple of Edfu, built between 237 and 57 BC, is considered the best preserved temple of Egyptian antiquity and the entire ancient world. The aim of the project is the edition of the inscriptions of the Ptolemaic temple of Edfu, beginning with the securing of the text basis, translation, supplementation with philological comments up to the publication of extensive materials from the areas of grammar, lexicography, place names, the names and functions of the gods as well as secondary literature.
The edition offers information on various areas of Egyptology, e.g. religion, literature, grammar, lexicography, topography, history and economic history. In some cases the information goes back to the old empire. The majority of all articles and monographs in the subject cite the texts of the temple of Edfu to varying degrees.
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Contact person for the academies' programme
Sebastian Zwies M.A.
Geschäftsstelle Mainz
Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 2
55131 Mainz
Tel: 06131/218 528-17