Research Project, 1998–2011

Residenz und Hof im spätmittelalterlichen Deutschen Reich

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The aim of the project is the investigation of the residence and court in the late medieval German Empire (1200-1600) in European comparison. The federal structure of Germany, the competition between its numerous cities is investigated at its roots: the origin of the sovereign residences in the late Middle Ages. This is closely linked to the growth of courts, the most important centres of power in Old Europe. The emphasis of the investigations is on the depiction of the respective development process of a city into the centre of power of its territory, including all secondary residences, capitals and suburbs of the landscape. The result of the investigations should be the elaboration of a comparative history of rule and administration.

The commission promotes monographs of individual courts, residences and groups of residences, organizes international colloquia every two years (2002 on the "Fall of the Favourite" in Neuburg an der Donau) and publishes both in the series "Residenzenforschung" (14 volumes published so far). In addition, the commission collects the German court orders (initially of Lower Saxony) and, as further sources, the European travelogues, the latter being available as analytical bibliographies on France, the Netherlands and Germany (now supplemented in 2nd edition). As a forum, "Mitteilungen" are sent out every six months - special issues publish relevant bibliographies, handouts and colloquia.

Contact person for the academies' programme

Sebastian Zwies M.A.

Geschäftsstelle Mainz
Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 2
55131 Mainz

Tel: 06131/218 528-17