The list has 4 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 4.

Alexander von Humboldt auf Reisen. Wissenschaft aus der Bewegung

The academy project “Alexander von Humboldt auf Reisen. Wissenschaft aus der Bewegung” comprises the complete edition of Alexander von Humboldt’s manuscripts on the topic of travel at the interface of cultural and natural sciences. This includes travel journals, diaries, memoirs, publications in the countries and regions visited as well as correspondence. The focus of the project lies on the…


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Europäische Traditionen – Enzyklopädie jüdischer Kulturen

The aim of the project of the Saxon Academy of Sciences “Europäische Traditionen - Enzyklopädie jüdischer Kulturen” is the development and conceptual penetration of Jewish life worlds in Europe from the early modern period to the middle of the 20th century. It is based on the “Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture”. Completed in 2017, the work, which contains around 800 articles in seven…


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Johann Friedrich Blumenbach - Online

The project “Johann Friedrich Blumenbach –Online” ( aims at making the rise of German science within the European context visible, and at supplying a missing part in accessible primary source material on the cultural history of the time: the publications of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach. This is particularly significant with regard to an essential aspect of this period: the…


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Uwe Johnson-Werkausgabe. Eine historisch-kritische Edition der Werke, Schriften und Briefe Uwe Johnsons in gedruckter und digitaler Form

Uwe Johnson (1934-1984) is one of the most important authors of German in the era of two-state identity. His novels tell of German history in a context far beyond Germany. With his essays and articles, Johnson developed the position of a “public intellectual”. His highly literary correspondence is on an equal footing with the literary work, commenting critically on post-war history in an…


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