The list has 7 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 7.

Averroes (Ibn Rušd) und die arabische, hebräische und lateinische Rezeption der aristotelischen Naturphilosophie

The Aristotle annotations of Ibn Rušd or Averroes (1126–1198) form a total of the Arabic reception of the Greek philosophy and from the Late Antiquity. As such, they have had a formative influence on the respective discourses of knowledge, especially in their Latin and Hebrew translations over the centuries. The project deals with an yet unexplored part of Ibn Rušd’s natural philosophy, which at…


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Corpus der barocken Deckenmalerei in Deutschland. Erfassung, Analyse und digitale Publikation der architekturgebundenen Malerei auf dem Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (ca. 1550–1800)

Ceiling and mural paintings are constitutive elements in the design of baroque interiors. Unlike all other forms of pictorial art, these truly three-dimensional artistic media define early modern architecture literally from above, through colourful and complex iconographic programmes: in ecclesiastical as well as secular environments, in residential palaces and ceremonial halls, churches and…


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Erschließung der Akten des kaiserlichen Reichshofrats

Over a period of three centuries - from the first half of the 16th century until 1806 - the imperial Aulic Council was one of the most important institutions of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. As high court, supreme feudal house, administration institution of the imperial privileges and as political advisory body of the emperor the institution shaped the destiny of Central Europe in…


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Funde der älteren Bronzezeit

Since 2004, the long-term project, which had previously been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), has been supervised by the Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz, and continues to be carried out in close cooperation with the National Museum in Copenhagen and the Archaeological State Museum of the Schleswig-Holstein State Museums Foundation in Schleswig.

The project serves to…


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Johannes Brahms. Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke

The “Neue Johannes Brahms Gesamtausgabe” brings forward Johannes Brahms’ compositional oeuvre in a historical-critical edition. Included are alternative versions, that remained unpublished by the composer, as well as adaptations by the composer of his own and external works. The goal of the edition is the reproduction of authentic texts, which are relieved from typing-, copying, and engraving…


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Rechercheportal und SIKART Lexikon. SIKART Lexikon zur Kunst in der Schweiz, elektronische Werkverzeichnisse und Archivalien aus dem Kunstarchiv

The Swiss Institute for Art Research (SIK-ISEA) offers a unique wealth of scientifically sound information on historical and contemporary Swiss art as Open Access on the Internet. These online services include the four-language "SIKART Lexicon of Art in Switzerland" (, various electronic catalogues raisonnés of prominent Swiss artists and digitised documents from the Swiss Art…


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Sammlung Schweizerischer Rechtsquellen. herausgeherausgegeben von der Rechtsquellenstiftung des Schweizerischen Juristenvereins

Since 1898 the Law Sources Foundation of the Swiss Lawyers Society edits a collection of law sources which had been created on Swiss territory up to 1798, the Collection of Swiss Law Sources. The Collection contains materials from the early Middle Ages until early modern times (1798). Over 130 volumes, or more than 80'000 pages of source material and comments from all language regions of…


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