The list has 5 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 5.

Die frühbuddhistischen Handschriften aus Gandhāra. Religiöse Literatur an der Schnittstelle von Indien, Zentralasien und China

The research project “Die frühbuddhistischen Handschriften aus Gandhāra: religiöse Literatur an der Schnittstelle von Indien, Zentralasien und China” was established in 2012. On the basis of philological and historical methods, it provides new insight into the early history of Buddhism on its way to becoming a world religion. The project studies manuscripts found in the 1990s in northern Pakistan…


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Gottfried Semper: Der Stil. Kritische und kommentierte Ausgabe

Gottfried Semper’s two volume «Style in the Technical and Tectonic Arts, or Practical Aesthetics» (1860/63) is presented for the first time in a critical digital edition. All its different stages are made available as digital facsimiles and transcriptions: manuscripts, fair copies, proofs, prints and their variants, drawings for illustrations, woodcut proofs.

The critical digital edition will…


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Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716) is said to be the last polymath. This is reflected by his diverse and mostly unpublished work. Until today, there is no complete edition which forced researchers to rely on deficient partial editions from the 19th century. The project aims at a complete edition of G. W. Leibniz’ writings and of his letters. The handwritten literary remains are to a large…


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Online-Edition der Rezensionen und Briefe Albrecht von Hallers. Expertise und Kommunikation in der entstehenden Scientific community

During the project period of six years, it is planned on the one hand to publish the complete edition of Albrecht von Haller's reviews (including more than 9'000 in the leading German-language review organ Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen) as a central, but still largely unknown part of his oeuvre. On the other hand, a well-founded selection of approximately 8,000 letters related to the content of…


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Rechercheportal und SIKART Lexikon. SIKART Lexikon zur Kunst in der Schweiz, elektronische Werkverzeichnisse und Archivalien aus dem Kunstarchiv

The Swiss Institute for Art Research (SIK-ISEA) offers a unique wealth of scientifically sound information on historical and contemporary Swiss art as Open Access on the Internet. These online services include the four-language "SIKART Lexicon of Art in Switzerland" (, various electronic catalogues raisonnés of prominent Swiss artists and digitised documents from the Swiss Art…


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