The list has 5 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 5.

Die deutsche Akademie des 17. Jahrhunderts: Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft. Kritische Edition der Briefe und Beilagen der Fruchtbringenden Gesellschaft (1617-1680)

The research and edition project on the Fruitbearing Society (1617-1680; 890 members) is dedicated to an organisation that, as a comprehensive German Academy of the 17th century, was linked to a variety of linguistic, literary, scholarly, and (educational) political ambitions. Their work is inherent in national and European perspectives, which remained productive until the Enlightenment.



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Die frühbuddhistischen Handschriften aus Gandhāra. Religiöse Literatur an der Schnittstelle von Indien, Zentralasien und China

The research project “Die frühbuddhistischen Handschriften aus Gandhāra: religiöse Literatur an der Schnittstelle von Indien, Zentralasien und China” was established in 2012. On the basis of philological and historical methods, it provides new insight into the early history of Buddhism on its way to becoming a world religion. The project studies manuscripts found in the 1990s in northern Pakistan…


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Edition der Briefe Philipp Jakob Speners (1635–1705) vor allem aus der Berliner Zeit (1691–1705)

The letters of Philipp Jakob Spener (1635-1705), the founder of Lutheran Pietism, are not only first-rate sources for research on the beginnings of Pietism, the most important renewal movement of Protestantism since the Reformation, but also for the church and cultural history of the early modern period. Some of them are handwritten records and can be found in archives and libraries far beyond…


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Formulae - Litterae - Chartae. Neuedition der frühmittelalterlichen Formulae inklusive der Erschließung von frühmittelalterlichen Briefen und Urkunden im Abendland (ca. 500 – ca. 1000)

The aim of the long-term project is the systematic reconstruction and editing of Early Medieval certificates and letters (Formulae) as well as research into formulaic writing in Western Europe before the 11th century. It is rooted at the interface of history, Latin philology and legal history and examines sources which are of great importance for the study of Early Medieval society. The Formulae…


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Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe. Fertigstellung in neukonzipierter Form

The Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe (MEGA) is the historical-critical edition of all publications, manuscripts, and drafts as well as the correspondence of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. For the first time, work and legacy are documented here in their entirety and in authentic form, such as manuscripts on “German ideology” and “capital”. Furthermore, previously unknown journalistic contributions by…


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