The list has 5 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 5.

Altokzitanisches Wörterbuch. Dictionnaire de l’occitan médiéval

In the Middle Ages, Old Occitan (formerly “Old Provençal”) was a literary and cultural language, the influence of which extended far beyond the frontiers of Southern France. It was also the language of the troubadours, whose songs had a decisive impact on the love poetry of the European literatures during the Middle Ages.

The only comprehensive portrayal of the Old Occitan vocabulary to have…


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Con­tro­ver­sia et Con­fes­sio. Quellenedition zu Bekenntnisbildung und Konfessionalisierung (1548–1580)

For the first time, the research and edition project “Controversia et Confessio” systematically reappraises the theological controversies triggered by the Augsburg Interim and the Leipzig Alternative Draft of 1548, which could only be largely resolved by the large-scale theological unification of the Conoria Formula and the Konkordienbuch 1577/80. In these disputes, an early modern “culture of…


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The project’s aim is to present Gluck’s complete works in a critical historical edition for science and musical practice. These include the notated music with its text-critical annotation and extensive information about the work history and the contemporary reception; likewise facsimiles of the textbooks are printed in the respective volume. Gluck’s oeuvre, rarely maintained in the autograph,…


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Johann Friedrich Blumenbach - Online

The project “Johann Friedrich Blumenbach –Online” ( aims at making the rise of German science within the European context visible, and at supplying a missing part in accessible primary source material on the cultural history of the time: the publications of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach. This is particularly significant with regard to an essential aspect of this period: the…


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Neue Schubert-Ausgabe

The “Neue Schubert-Ausgabe” is a scholarly critical edition of all musical works of Franz Schubert (1797-1828). Its 84 volumes are classified in eight series according to groups of works and include a catalogue of works, documents concerning the biography, and catalogues of sources. Each volume lists the most important sources and interpretations, and is completed by a separate critical report.…


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