The list has 12 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 12.

Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesamtausgabe. Sämtliche Werke, Tagebücher, Briefe und Schriften

The new Weber Complete Edition is based on the current status of musicological editing processes, with a clear focus on the historical aspect in addition to the critical aspect. It presents all of Weber’s musical works, including the piano excerpts from his own and foreign works as well as his arrangements of his own and foreign works, taking into account all available sources. Fragmentary…


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Corpus der barocken Deckenmalerei in Deutschland. Erfassung, Analyse und digitale Publikation der architekturgebundenen Malerei auf dem Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (ca. 1550–1800)

Ceiling and mural paintings are constitutive elements in the design of baroque interiors. Unlike all other forms of pictorial art, these truly three-dimensional artistic media define early modern architecture literally from above, through colourful and complex iconographic programmes: in ecclesiastical as well as secular environments, in residential palaces and ceremonial halls, churches and…


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Forschungskontinuität und Kontinuitätsforschung. Siedlungsarchäologische Grundlagenforschung zur Eisenzeit im Baltikum

The reciprocal word pair “Forschungskontinuität und Kontinuitätsforschung” (continuity of research and research of continuity) in the project-title outlines the significant difficulties and opportunities of the traditional, but not unproblematic history of the archaeological sciences in landscapes, that are very rich in findings and important for the development of northern and eastern Europe.…


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Johann Caspar Lavater: Historisch-kritische Edition ausgewählter Briefwechsel

Das Forschungsprojekt Johann Caspar Lavater – Historisch-kritische Edition ausgewählter Briefwechsel (JCLB) digitalisiert und erfasst den Bestand der weit über 20'000 Briefe von und an Lavater, um in einer Web-basierten Online-Edition davon ausgewählte Briefwechsel zu edieren und Lavaters gesamte Korrespondenz erstmals synoptisch in ihrer ganzen Komplexität und ihrem Umfang für die Forschung zu…


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Johann Friedrich Blumenbach - Online

The project “Johann Friedrich Blumenbach –Online” ( aims at making the rise of German science within the European context visible, and at supplying a missing part in accessible primary source material on the cultural history of the time: the publications of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach. This is particularly significant with regard to an essential aspect of this period: the…


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PROPYLÄEN. Forschungsplattform zu Goethes Biographica. Briefwechsel, Tagebücher, Begegnungen und Gespräche. Chronologie. Quellen. Recherche. Fokus.

“It is only on the step, in the gateway, the entrance, the vestibule, the space between the outside and the inner chamber, between the sacred and the common, that we may ordinarily tarry with our friends.”

With these words Goethe paraphrases the title of his journal “Propylaea”, which he edited from 1798 to 1800. The title is a programmatic statement: the journal is meant to be a place of…


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Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM, Deutsche Quellen). Mit Répertoire International d'Iconographie Musicale

The task of the project is the acquisition of sources in Germany from approx. 1600 to the middle of the 19th century, which are important for the music research. There are two departments in the German workgroup of RISM which regionally split up the source acquisition, on the one hand at the Saxon State and University Library Dresden and on the other hand at the Bavarian State Library.



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Residenzstädte im Alten Reich (1300-1800). Urbanität im integrativen und konkurrierenden Beziehungsgefüge von Herrschaft und Gemeinde

The research project is supervised by an institution of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Its objective is the establishment of a tripartite analytic-semantic handbook, which essentially provides a new foundation for the history of towns and urbanization during the premodern period. Additionally, it constitutes an important instrument for a multitude of historically oriented…


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Sammlung Schweizerischer Rechtsquellen. herausgeherausgegeben von der Rechtsquellenstiftung des Schweizerischen Juristenvereins

Since 1898 the Law Sources Foundation of the Swiss Lawyers Society edits a collection of law sources which had been created on Swiss territory up to 1798, the Collection of Swiss Law Sources. The Collection contains materials from the early Middle Ages until early modern times (1798). Over 130 volumes, or more than 80'000 pages of source material and comments from all language regions of…


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Schweizerisches Idiotikon – Wörterbuch der schweizerdeutschen Sprache

The Swiss Idioticon is an institute for the research and documentation of the German language and its dialects in Switzerland. Its main task is the development of the dictionary of the Swiss-German language (Swiss Idiotikon) in printed and digital form. This work describes Alemannic vocabulary in Switzerland from the late Middle Ages to the 21st century. It is the largest regional dictionary in…


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Textdatenbank und Wörterbuch des Klassischen Maya

The project “Textdatenbank und Wörterbuch des Klassischen Maya (TWKM)” is funded with 5,42 Million Euros and is set to run for 15 years. It is located at the institute for Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology of the University Bonn. The project manager is Professor Dr. Nikolai Grube, who is an internationally renowned expert in the field of Maya research and a member of the North…


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Uwe Johnson-Werkausgabe. Eine historisch-kritische Edition der Werke, Schriften und Briefe Uwe Johnsons in gedruckter und digitaler Form

Uwe Johnson (1934-1984) is one of the most important authors of German in the era of two-state identity. His novels tell of German history in a context far beyond Germany. With his essays and articles, Johnson developed the position of a “public intellectual”. His highly literary correspondence is on an equal footing with the literary work, commenting critically on post-war history in an…


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