The list has 5 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 5.

Erschließung der Akten des kaiserlichen Reichshofrats

Over a period of three centuries - from the first half of the 16th century until 1806 - the imperial Aulic Council was one of the most important institutions of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. As high court, supreme feudal house, administration institution of the imperial privileges and as political advisory body of the emperor the institution shaped the destiny of Central Europe in…


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Johannes Brahms. Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke

The “Neue Johannes Brahms Gesamtausgabe” brings forward Johannes Brahms’ compositional oeuvre in a historical-critical edition. Included are alternative versions, that remained unpublished by the composer, as well as adaptations by the composer of his own and external works. The goal of the edition is the reproduction of authentic texts, which are relieved from typing-, copying, and engraving…


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Kritische Ausgabe der Werke von Richard Strauss

The “Kritische Ausgabe der Werke von Richard Strauss”, financed by the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, has been conducted since 2011 under the direction of Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schick at the Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) in Munich. Cooperation partners are the Richard Strauss Institute and the Richard Strauss Archive in Garmisch-Partenkirchen as well as the LMU’s Humanities IT…


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OPERA - Spektrum des europäischen Musiktheaters in Einzeleditionen

The aim of the internationally geared project is the critical edition of exemplary works of the European music theatre from Baroque to Modernism. Thus, for the first time an academy-project exclusively addresses the music theatre and its diverse manifestations. Published are the works from the French, Italian, German, Scandinavian, and Slavic music theatre.

In total, nine works of different…


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Wissenschaftlich-kritische Herausgabe von Werken Max Regers

Max Reger (1873-1916) has left us, both in terms of expansiveness and complexity, with a monumental oeuvre. Apart from operas, his works encompasses all contemporaneous genres – chamber music, piano compositions, choirs, orchestral pieces and choir symphonies. Especially remarkable are, for a designated pioneer of new music, his work with organs as well as his revisions of other composers’ works,…


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