The list has 6 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 6.

Glossaire des patois de la Suisse romande

Since 1899, the Glossaire des patois de la Suisse romande (GPSR) has been an essential player in the promotion of the linguistic heritage of French-speaking Switzerland. Based in Neuchâtel, it is one of the four national Vocabularies of the Swiss Confederation. Like its partners in German, Graubünden and Ticino, its mission is to document as completely as possible the dialects of his linguistic…


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Gottfried Semper: Der Stil. Kritische und kommentierte Ausgabe

Gottfried Semper’s two volume «Style in the Technical and Tectonic Arts, or Practical Aesthetics» (1860/63) is presented for the first time in a critical digital edition. All its different stages are made available as digital facsimiles and transcriptions: manuscripts, fair copies, proofs, prints and their variants, drawings for illustrations, woodcut proofs.

The critical digital edition will…


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Johann Caspar Lavater: Historisch-kritische Edition ausgewählter Briefwechsel

Das Forschungsprojekt Johann Caspar Lavater – Historisch-kritische Edition ausgewählter Briefwechsel (JCLB) digitalisiert und erfasst den Bestand der weit über 20'000 Briefe von und an Lavater, um in einer Web-basierten Online-Edition davon ausgewählte Briefwechsel zu edieren und Lavaters gesamte Korrespondenz erstmals synoptisch in ihrer ganzen Komplexität und ihrem Umfang für die Forschung zu…


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Parzival-Projekt. Eine neue textkritische Ausgabe des 'Parzival'-Romans Wolframs von Eschenbach in digitaler und gedruckter Form

The Arthurian novel 'Parzival' by Wolfram von Eschenbach is one of the most important poems of courtly literature around 1200. 1833's basic edition by Karl Lachmann, at the time an editorial masterpiece, can no longer meet current text-critical requirements, as it only takes into account a fraction of the sources known today and does not sufficiently document the variance of the medieval text. In…


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Rechercheportal und SIKART Lexikon. SIKART Lexikon zur Kunst in der Schweiz, elektronische Werkverzeichnisse und Archivalien aus dem Kunstarchiv

The Swiss Institute for Art Research (SIK-ISEA) offers a unique wealth of scientifically sound information on historical and contemporary Swiss art as Open Access on the Internet. These online services include the four-language "SIKART Lexicon of Art in Switzerland" (, various electronic catalogues raisonnés of prominent Swiss artists and digitised documents from the Swiss Art…


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Sammlung Schweizerischer Rechtsquellen. herausgeherausgegeben von der Rechtsquellenstiftung des Schweizerischen Juristenvereins

Since 1898 the Law Sources Foundation of the Swiss Lawyers Society edits a collection of law sources which had been created on Swiss territory up to 1798, the Collection of Swiss Law Sources. The Collection contains materials from the early Middle Ages until early modern times (1798). Over 130 volumes, or more than 80'000 pages of source material and comments from all language regions of…


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