The list has 5 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 5.

Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919): Briefedition

The project, which is located at the Ernst Haeckel House of the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, focuses on the edition of the entire correspondence of the evolutionary biologist Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) and thus one of the most important correspondences of scientific culture around 1900.

The archive of the Haeckel-Haus houses almost the entire personal and scientific legacy of Haeckel…


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Johann Caspar Lavater: Historisch-kritische Edition ausgewählter Briefwechsel

Das Forschungsprojekt Johann Caspar Lavater – Historisch-kritische Edition ausgewählter Briefwechsel (JCLB) digitalisiert und erfasst den Bestand der weit über 20'000 Briefe von und an Lavater, um in einer Web-basierten Online-Edition davon ausgewählte Briefwechsel zu edieren und Lavaters gesamte Korrespondenz erstmals synoptisch in ihrer ganzen Komplexität und ihrem Umfang für die Forschung zu…


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Kritische Ausgabe der Werke von Richard Strauss

The “Kritische Ausgabe der Werke von Richard Strauss”, financed by the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, has been conducted since 2011 under the direction of Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schick at the Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) in Munich. Cooperation partners are the Richard Strauss Institute and the Richard Strauss Archive in Garmisch-Partenkirchen as well as the LMU’s Humanities IT…


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OPERA - Spektrum des europäischen Musiktheaters in Einzeleditionen

The aim of the internationally geared project is the critical edition of exemplary works of the European music theatre from Baroque to Modernism. Thus, for the first time an academy-project exclusively addresses the music theatre and its diverse manifestations. Published are the works from the French, Italian, German, Scandinavian, and Slavic music theatre.

In total, nine works of different…


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Sammlung Schweizerischer Rechtsquellen. herausgeherausgegeben von der Rechtsquellenstiftung des Schweizerischen Juristenvereins

Since 1898 the Law Sources Foundation of the Swiss Lawyers Society edits a collection of law sources which had been created on Swiss territory up to 1798, the Collection of Swiss Law Sources. The Collection contains materials from the early Middle Ages until early modern times (1798). Over 130 volumes, or more than 80'000 pages of source material and comments from all language regions of…


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