
Verzeichnis der Theateraktivität des Hôtel de Musi..

The database documents the Hôtel de Musique's lively theatrical activity from 1766 to 1905, with a repertoire that includes theatre, opera, ballet, concerts and extraordinary events. The inventory provides a lively and colourful picture of Bernese theatre culture in the 19th century.

The project was developed in 2008 as part of a lecture on Bernese theatre history in the Seminar of Swiss Opera History at the Institute of Musicology at the University of Bern under the direction of Prof. Dr. Klaus Pietschmann. During the course of the project, the format of the directory was changed several times until finally a suitable platform was found in the present online publication.

In addition to an introductory text on the Hôtel de Musique, the database offers three search options:

1. Performances during the season: Search for numbered performances in a season with exact dates and pieces.

2. Performance statistics: Compare different divisions in a selected period.

3. Information about the work and person: Search for works and persons with number of performances and references


Permanent cooperation partners
Data and Service Center for the Humanities


  • Prof. Dr. Cristina Urchueguía (Project Leader)
  • Prof. Dr. Klaus Pietschmann (Project Leader)
  • Dr. Sacha Kaufmann (Technical Associate)
  • Prof. em. Dr. Urs Boschung (Research Associate)
  • Carmen Stocker (Research Assistant)
  • Edith Keller (Research Assistant)
  • Janina Neústupný (Research Assistant)
  • Andres Pfister (Research Assistant)


Verzeichnis der Theateraktivität des Hôtel de Musique de Berne
Institut für Musikwissenschaft
Universität Bern
Mittelstrasse 43
3012 Bern

📞 +41 31 631 5030

📧 urchueguia[at]

Running time
Project type