The list has 2 entrie(s). Displaying entries 1 to 2.

Umwelt- und Klimaforschung. Seismik des Vogtlandes

The object of research is a long-term investigation of fluid release at natural mineral springs and mofettes in geodynamically active areas, especially in the Upper Vogtland. Changes of quantitative parameters, such as source discharge or degassing rate as well as radiometric-geochemical indicators (nuclide content, isotope ratio, ion and gas concentration) are linked to geophysical parameters,…


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Umwelt- und Klimaforschung. Paläogeographie/Paläoklimatologie

For the climatic-stratigraphic development in the Quaternary Earth history, an absolute time scale is worked out by the physical age determinations of rocks, fossils and archaeological objects in different areas of the Earth. Methods of luminescence dating and the investigation of their solid-state physics and dosimetric properties are of special interest. Other methods (e.g. radiocarbon and…


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